OHLA will participate through a Temporary Joint Venture (UTE) in the construction of the Silvouta Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), in Santiago de Compostela, for nearly 60 million euros.

In addition to the execution phases, the contract includes the operation and maintenance of the facilities and the commissioning of the entire new WWTP, as reported by the construction company in a statement.

The works awarded by the board of directors of the state commercial company Aguas de las Cuencas de España (Acuaes), of the Ministry for the Transition and the Demographic Challenge, will consist of the construction of a new treatment plant, which will treat an average flow of 52,000 meters. cubic per day, as well as the connection to the existing collector network.

Added to this will be the execution of a new electrical connection compatible with the energy needs of the new installation and equipped with a backup electrical supply.

The new infrastructure will have primary and stormwater treatment through lamellar decantation and biological treatment through activated sludge, with ultrafiltration membranes, which obtains a discharge with higher quality than that required for a sensitive area.

Anaerobic digestion with thermal hydrolysis is included for the treatment of sludge, which will allow the generation of energy for self-consumption and the use of dehydrated sludge in agriculture.

To achieve the required parameters, the treatment of an average flow of 51,840 cubic meters per day has been designed, corresponding to an equivalent population of 205,000 current inhabitants. The future forecast is 64,800 cubic meters per day and 277,000 inhabitants.