He says that his party does not suppose “paralysis or revolution” but rather “evolution for the better” and asks not to be influenced by those who seek to “displace” them.


The president of the EBB of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, has shown himself convinced that the PNV will win the next Basque elections and has called on his bases to mobilize “more than ever” and to “make a difference” to those who love them “nervous” and they seek to “disposition” them. Likewise, he has stated that the jeltzale party “is neither paralysis nor revolution,” but rather “evolution for the better.”

Ortuzar held these demonstrations in Landako Gunea in Durango (Bizkaia) in an event with members, after the approval by the National Assembly of the PNV of the PNV lists for the Basque elections.

“It is with great joy that I tell you that we have unanimously chosen 125 women and men. The best lists that this party can offer to Euskadi to lead our country to a better future,” said Ortuzar, who has presented the candidates for the Basque elections. and has also highlighted the designation of the list for the European elections.

After assuring that today it is his turn to “be the opening act” because “the important thing is to listen to the top performers”, who, as he highlighted, bring “a message of hope and future for all of Euskadi.”

Ortuzar has indicated that the PNV has been able to interpret “the new times and the new desires of Basque society” and “this time too.” As he highlighted, Imanol Pradales, Bakartxo Tejeria and Joseba Díez Antxustegi are “new water that flows from the same old source” and he recalled that those who preceded them, among them, Iñigo Urkullu, whom he thanked for his work as Lehendakari, and who had to stand up to receive the applause of all those present, who also stood up from their seats.

The Jeltzale leader also told the attendees that they “very much want” the PNV, both “here and in Madrid.” “Tomorrow some will say that the PNV is aiming for continuity and others will say that we are betting on rupture, some will say or define our discourse as neoliberal and others will see us as post-communist,” he added.

In his opinion, they are “bothered” by their ability to adapt because the PNV is “neither paralysis nor revolution”, but rather “evolution for the better, to continue advancing as a country, to continue improving as a society.”

After recalling that yesterday the “best historical data on unemployment in the Basque Country” was released, he insisted that they are annoying and, therefore, they want to “displace” them and want “doubts to arise” in a part of the electorate and also in their bases.

“They want to see you nervous, with doubts. In this evanescent politics that prevails now, the truth does not matter. One lie follows another and nothing happens here. They are populist people who promote instability because they are more comfortable in that environment,” has warned.

In this sense, it has asked its members not to be “nervous” or have doubts. “We cannot let them manipulate us, but we cannot fall into their same techniques either. We are the PNV and we do things differently, always face-to-face, with our teams, with our proposals to improve Euskadi, always in a positive way, with an outstretched hand. Always looking for and guaranteeing stability. Without falling into provocations,” he said.

In this sense, he has assured that he has no doubt that when the elections are held, they will win them. “The question is by how much. That is where we must emphasize. The difference must be noticed,” she stressed.

Andoni Ortuzar has indicated that they want to take Basque society “to the highest levels of development, well-being, personal and collective freedom” and has pointed out that they have to “reach the people so that they are aware of all this, so that they see what’s at stake” and which, as he pointed out, is “nothing less than the future of Euskadi for a new generation.”

“And that is where we need you. We need you more mobilized than ever. More attentive and attentive than ever. Closer to the people than ever. Months of hard work and effort are coming. Of militant commitment. The difference has to be noticed “I know that you are not going to fail. Because we cannot fail Euskadi,” he concluded.