Calls to open the batzokis “wide” to “grow” and offers an “outstretched hand” to those who make the strike “their only form of expression”


The president of the EBB of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, has stated that the time has come to talk about the territorial model of the State and the “national recognition” of Euskadi and Catalonia, “with prudence and courage”, and has warned the President of the Government acting, Pedro Sánchez, that it is also time to “fulfill the commitments” made.

Ortuzar made these statements in the fields of Foronda in Vitoria-Gasteiz, where thousands of militants and sympathizers have gathered to celebrate the annual party of the PNV under the motto of ‘Batzen Gaituen Eguna’.

The jeltzale formation has seen its expectations fulfilled, with the response obtained to the special call it had made to participate in this meeting, after the last edition saw a demobilization, which the party attributed to the pandemic.

For the leader of the PNV, his challenge now is to “grow” and, therefore, he has called to “open the batzokis wide to new realities and popular references.” He has also offered an “outstretched hand” to those in Euskadi who have made strikes and protests the “only way of expression” for him.

Andoni Ortuzar began his speech with an allusion to the “complex political and social moment” that we are experiencing. In this context, he explained that “democracy in Spain is bad”, and that PNV is willing to “contribute”, but wants to be “corresponded with the same will by all parties”.

In his opinion, “one of the best demonstrations that Spanish democracy is bad is that it has been impossible in the last 20 years to talk about the territorial model of the State, the slightest debate about the national recognition of Euskadi or Catalonia.” “Well, the time has come to do it, with caution but with courage,” he defended.

Furthermore, he has urged “to comply with the word given and the commitments signed.” “Only those who keep their word given before can ask for support again later – he warned the PSOE and Sánchez -. Intense weeks are coming. We will know how to act intelligently so that things go well for Euskadi,” he announced.

As he has specified, the PNV has “an exciting opportunity” ahead of it. “It is time to leave the comfort of our batzokis, to open them wide to new realities and new popular references,” he stated.

Andoni Ortuzar believes that it is time to “change home shoes for running shoes”, to grow as a party “inwards and outwards”.

He has also acknowledged that “there is a lot of curiosity about what is happening here today”, in reference to whether or not the Alderdi Eguna has been massive after the loss of votes in the last electoral events.

Aware that “how many of us there are, what faces we have, what we say, what we suggest” will be analyzed, with interpretations tomorrow “of all kinds and for all tastes.” “Some of us have been upset because they thought this was going to be empty and it is quite full,” he added, to highlight that the most relevant thing is “that we are here, and that those of us who are here are clear about where we come from, where we are and where we are going.”

After highlighting that a columnist has defined the PNV as “a party that has made history and that some intend to send to history”, he has sent a clear message: “I solemnly tell you that the PNV, above all, is the present and future of this country, and we will continue making history, writing the history of Euskadi.

In this way, he wanted to transmit “confidence, tranquility and security” to Basque society, “because nothing and no one is going to displace the PNV.” “No one is going to take us where we don’t want to go, but neither are we going to take Basque society where it doesn’t want to be,” she warned.

After stating that they have understood what people have told them in recent months, they have valued “a lot” those who have supported them to position them as “the first regional and municipal political force”, contrary to what EH Bildu stated, which arrogates the title of “first municipalist force.”

He also stated that they value “a lot” those who have given them “a touch of attention by staying at home and not going to vote.” “It’s time to sew, put together, get excited again so that the Basque Country continues on its path towards self-government and progress hand in hand with the PNV,” she said.

Its objective is “real, possible self-government and progress, not those unrealistic ones that are promised haphazardly because promises, when you are in opposition, are cheap: you sign them up on the ice bar and soon they disappear melted in Water”.

“We live in complex, difficult political times. We are witnessing social changes that have accelerated and accentuated with the pandemic. A part of society has taken refuge more in the ‘I’ than in the ‘we’. It would seem that we live less in community and with more individualism. These are favorable times for populism and extremism,” he lamented. However, she remembers that these are “cyclical phenomena” that have always known how to “come out successfully and this time it will be like that too.”

Andoni Ortuzar has highlighted that in their genes “is the courage” of its people in 36 “to take the side of democracy”, of the Jeltzales “in exile and clandestinity” in the Franco regime and has highlighted “the success of the generation embodied by Arzalluz by betting on the democratic transition despite the fact that ETA put the gun on the table seeking only a rupture”, or “the strength of Lehendakari Ardanza to, after the split, raise a country in economic crisis, with an attacked self-government and destructive terrorist violence.

He also remembered Juan José Ibarretxe and how he “overcame with nationalist dignity and democratic legitimacy the slamming of the door that the New Statute suffered in Madrid”, and the “dare work” of the current Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, to “relaunch Euskadi after of that unfortunate Government of the socialists with the PP and its fortitude” to face a pandemic like Covid. “That is the authentic DNA of the PNV,” he emphasized.

Ortuzar has criticized “the Manichaeism of the right and the left”, who try to “qualify them to discredit them”, and has censored that, for the Spanish right and extreme right, they are “the little left-handed brother of Frankenstein”, while their “supposed “leftist allies” claim that they are “the Basque neoliberal right.”

At this point, he recalled the 128 years of history of the PNV, with “an impeccable record of service to Euskadi.” “Who can present something like that?”, she asked, to call for feeling “pride” in what was done and “strength to move forward.” “We are neither left nor right: Euskadi and democracy; freedom and social justice; Euskadi is a nation in a strong and democratic Europe,” he pointed out in reference to his challenges.

The president of the EBB has defended Euskadi “as a concept of community, a nation as recognition of an identity and Europe as a democratic space and progress in the world.”

In line with Urkullu’s approach, the objective has been set for Parliament to collaborate with other formations and social entities “to do things on a broad basis, with consensus, with agreements; building a model of public services adapted to the needs of today”.

From this conviction that “it is time to reweave broad social consensus”, he has offered “the outstretched hand of the PNV” to face “with guarantees this very special moment for Euskadi”, especially “to those who have made the strike and protest their only way of expression.” “The solution will never come from the strike; the solution will come from dialogue and agreement,” she said.