It proposes 43 measures to farmers and ranchers to reach an agreement and put an end to mobilizations


The Government has presented to agricultural organizations a document with 43 measures, including ICO credits worth 700 million euros, reinforcing the AICA and fiscal measures, which are intended to respond to the demands of farmers and ranchers with the objective to reach an agreement and put an end to the rural mobilizations of recent months.

“We have presented 43 measures that constitute a solid set of measures that respond to the main concerns of the sector. This is a dialogue and work that advances with the Government’s commitment. I speak of actions and not words that we plan to comply with if the agricultural organizations “they consider it appropriate. We think it is an ambitious proposal from the Government,” said the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, at the press conference in which he reported on the support measures for farmers and ranchers.

The head of Agriculture recalled that his Department maintains “permanent contact” with agricultural organizations with a “very positive and constructive dialogue”, but believes that they are under “great pressure” although he hopes that they will soon give them a response to this new proposal.

“Everyone is free, but honestly with what is on the table I believe that the Government responds to the concerns that have been raised to us and others that we have put on the table because they were necessary. What the agricultural organizations do is up to them. If they agree, we will meet again and ratify this agreement, which is what I would like, but I do not want to force any situation,” he stressed.

However, Planas, who has not assessed whether an agreement is reached will put an end to the rural mobilizations, has recognized that Spain is in a political moment, marked by three upcoming elections in the country. “I hear some spokespersons for VOX or the PP who ask that the mobilizations continue until June. They have nothing to do with the concern of farmers and ranchers, but with political interests,” he lamented.

The Minister of Agriculture has advanced that this package of measures presented to Asaja, COAG and UPA is framed in seven areas, where proposals ranging from the simplification and flexibility of the CAP stand out, of which some will not be applied this year, as well as the creation of a working group to evaluate exports and imports.

In this way, it includes reinforcing the AICA, whose advisory council will meet next Wednesday, with its transformation into a State Agency, while Planas has been optimistic regarding the mirror clauses, one of the main demands of the field, pointing out that he sees “closer” that these will be a reality for the next legislature, although he has warned that it depends on politics, the composition of the European authorities and the future European Parliament.

Another area in which the Government will act is in agricultural insurance, where it has guaranteed that it will continue to support the insurance system. “We are willing to bring the subsidy to the policies to the maximum possible, but with the support of the autonomous communities,” he indicated.

Regarding fiscal, financing and labor measures, the Minister of Agriculture has announced the creation of a MAPA-ICO-Saeca credit line of up to 700 million euros, of which 200 million euros will go to young farmers and the generational change of the sector and the remaining 500 million for farmers and ranchers.

Among the fiscal measures, Planas has advanced, after speaking with the Ministry of Finance, that the possibility of considering income from VAT compensation be studied, excluding them from the maximum limit of 250,000 euros or reducing the fuel bill by 35 % or 15% in fertilizers.

Furthermore, in his commitment to promoting the generational change in the agricultural sector, Planas has once again stressed that during this year the call for a youth sector will be carried out, since it is a “priority” for the Government of Spain .

The Minister of Agriculture has also welcomed the changes that were approved last week in Brussels, motivated in large part by the mobilizations of farmers and ranchers throughout Europe.

“They have been heard, the mobilization that has occurred in Europe has motivated a change in the EC’s position. Farmers and ranchers can be sure that the issues approved in Brussels will be carried out. We have reached a good balance with a framework stable and predictable,” he stressed.

Finally, and after the heavy rains that fell during this Holy Week, Planas did not hesitate to describe it as “excellent news”, since the rain is “liquid gold” for farmers and ranchers.