He emphasizes that there is no option for double militancy, he does not renounce being in the spaces of confluence and defends the “noise” and the cultural battle


The final political document that Podemos submits to a vote by its bases emphasizes that the organization is not going to dissolve into another party, in clear allusion to Sumar, and reaffirms its commitment that the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, at the head of the department.

He also emphasizes his willingness to maintain his “differentiating identity” within the left and warns that the votes of Podemos representatives in the institutions during the legislature “must be negotiated and never given away.” And along these lines he advances that they will raise their proposals “beyond their specific government responsibilities” that they may have in a future coalition Executive.

Meanwhile, the document deepens that “in no case” does double militancy exist in Podemos out of respect for other political forces as well. An emphasis on this prohibition that is cited when Sumar in its statutes does not rule out that option in the absence of its future organic deployment and after leaders such as Secretary of State Nacho Álvarez, have acted as spokesperson for the coalition in the campaign and recently as negotiator. of the programmatic agreement between Sumar and PSOE, from which the party leadership has distanced itself.

This is reflected in the final text that the party submits from today until tomorrow for the approval of its members, which incorporates 86.16% of the 2,255 amendments received to the initial text presented on September 16 by the Podemos leadership.

This process will culminate this Saturday with the result of the vote and a political conference in which the main leaders of the party will participate, with the general secretary, Ionbe Belarra at the head. In turn, the party has announced that it will also submit support for the investiture of the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to consultation with its bases.

The document maintains its demand for the political autonomy of Podemos “without giving up” being “in any space”, a mention that can be interpreted both at the level of confluence in view of the elections as well as a ruling out leaving the confederal parliamentary group. In addition, it highlights its vocation to be part of electoral unity agreements, always conditional on open primaries and without vetoes.

The final elaboration of the text includes a mention of the “historical responsibility” that Podemos had when participating alongside the project led by Yolanda Díaz in the 23J elections, despite the fact that “conditions and vetoes” never before posed to the formation were placed, but makes clear his “critical” reflection on the electoral results that were not as expected and that meant losing the “progressive majority” in Congress.

“The electoral coalition did not improve results and it has been revealed as a mistake not to respect the political heritage of the entities that make it up,” launches the Podemos political document to also warn that the PSOE only wants an “extension” government of the previous legislature, without fighting for left-wing measures to go forward in the coming years. In this context, he also warns of a “clear intention to return to the two-party system” and that efforts must be made to avoid it, given that “plurality must govern governability.”

It also praises the feminist advances achieved in the previous legislature and, consequently, the Podemos document defines Montero as an “international reference” who “should continue to lead the Ministry of Equality.”

What’s more, “regardless of Montero continuing to be minister,” the roadmap that is submitted to the opinion of those registered defines her as “a clear reference for Podemos that must continue to have visibility and a fundamental role” in the development of the training activity, together with Belarra.

In any case, the political proposal of the party leadership has an impact on demanding to be part of the coalition Government, since they have demonstrated in the previous legislature to promote the main measures of the Executive and also to be a “guarantee” of compliance with the commitments acquired by the PSOE. .

Thus, it delves into the fact that Podemos has “no intention of giving up” and aspires to continue being “not only a government force with its own powers, resources and specific weight but also the main driving force of the most ambitious social, feminist and democratic transformations.” And at this point she highlights that government action must contain a good part of Podemos’ program.

Later he warns, in line with what has already been expressed by his leaders about having political autonomy within Sumar, that the votes of his deputies and members in the institutions must be “negotiated” and “never given away”, making it clear that they will raise their proposals “beyond their specific government responsibilities.

That is, it will have its own position during the legislature and differs from the positions that Sumar and other actors at the confluence may have.

” Podemos is an autonomous political force with its own voice, which will always have its own roadmap, its program, its management bodies and its decision-making mechanisms led by the militancy and those registered. In no case will it be dissolved into another party “says the text.

He also emphasizes that it is necessary to “fight the cultural battle”, “maintain ideological clarity” and vindicates the “noise” about discrepancies with possible partners given that the absence of public debates on discrepancies will only result in a Government of “regression” .

Along these lines, he highlights that this strategy favors citizens who “always have little to gain in closed-door offices.” “We must not give up raising our voices or carrying out a transformative and autonomous project with the capacity to lead without bowing down or losing our autonomy compared to other formations,” adds the party’s opinion in reference to Sumar.

On the other hand, it takes advantage of the republicanism of the formation after the constitutional oath of Princess Leonor in Congress, from which the ministers and deputies of Podemos were absent, to reaffirm that its medium-term objective is for the Head of State to be elect democratically, within the framework of a plurinational and “federal” republic.

Finally, and given the imminence of a future Amnesty Law, the party’s political strategy text makes clear its support for “measures that contribute to dejudicialization in Catalonia.”