He assures that with support at the polls for the BNG “the cuts and privatization of the PP can be defeated”


The BNG candidate for the Presidency of the Xunta, Ana Pontón, has committed this Sunday to being the president who recovers Galician public health and has assured that, throughout her 15 years of government, “the PP was a Terminator “.

The leader of the Galician nationalists spoke in this way in statements to the media before the start of the massive demonstration called by SOS Public Health in Santiago de Compostela to demand improvements in the system.

In his speech, which highlighted the need to be together “with thousands” of people “defending health, public health” and that Galicia “needs a change of course” also in health matters, he maintained that in the last 15 years The PP was a “Terminator” of healthcare.

As he indicated, there were three decades in which “not only was there bad management, but there was also a lot of ideology.” “Because what is happening responds to something that the PP wants, and that is to deteriorate the public to benefit the private.” “This is done at the expense of the health of Galicians,” he stated.

Pontón has assured that the PP Xunta is “putting people’s health at risk.” “Today we have an unprecedented situation in our country. A brutal deterioration of our public healthcare,” he said to ensure that “there is a waiting list to go to a family doctor” and that “there are 11,000 children without an assigned pediatrician.”

“We see PAC without a doctor and we also see how 14% of the Galician population is waiting for surgery, for a diagnostic test or for the consultation of a specialist,” he argued to ensure that “all this perfectly summarizes the deterioration of a PP that in these 15 years did not take care of the health of its people.”

“And this is something that we can also change on February 18,” said Pontón, who has committed to launching a rescue plan with 200 million euros that will allow primary care to be “recovered.” Furthermore, it has committed to guaranteeing that there are no “first and second class” boys and girls so that “the entire child population has the right to pediatrics.”

“In short, we are going to lift up the public health system in this country that the PP has been demolishing for the last 15 years,” he said, calling for mobilization, in view of the next 18F, of all the people who want public health care of quality.

“I want to appeal to all the people who are in this mobilization, to all those who are at home and want public health, to mobilize at the polls also to defend it,” he said to ensure that with the support of the BNG can defeat “the cuts and privatization of the PP” at the polls.

In his intervention and asked about the criticism of the demonstration by the president of the Xunta and candidate for re-election, Alfonso Rueda, Pontón considered that the PP “only likes the demonstrations called by the PP.”

“I think that in the last month and a half the person who called the most demonstrations was PP, if I’m not wrong,” she declared to ensure that what “annoys” the popular party is that the “unrest” they generate can be seen on the street. their policies of cuts and privatizations”.