IU is the third with 14.5 million debt and Ciudadanos already appeared with almost 8 million before chaining electoral failures


At the beginning of 2020, political parties accumulated a debt of 160 million euros, with the PSOE in the lead with 52.44 million in loans, followed by the PP with another 38.53 million, Izquierda Unida with 14.55 and Ciudadanos with 7.92. , as stated in the latest audit report carried out by the Court of Auditors, corresponding to the years 2018 and 2019.

In this report, collected by Europa Press, it is indicated that the debt with credit institutions registered by political parties at the end of the 2019 financial year amounted to 145.72 million euros, of which 76.44 million correspond to debts with mortgage guarantees. , 27.25 million to debts with non-mortgage guarantee and 42.03 million to debts of an electoral nature.

To this must be added the debts with private lenders, including microcredits, which amounted to 14.37 million euros.

As of January 1, 2020, the total debt of political groups represented 31% of their balance sheet. That 2019 was an electoral year, with municipal, regional, European and two general calls, which encourages the contracting of loans or the use of microcredits among citizens.

The party with the highest amount of debt was the PSOE, with 52.45 million (40% of its balance sheet), the majority with credit institutions except 6.23 million microcredits for its electoral financing. To this we can add the 11.54 million owed by the PSC, which is legally an independent party.

Behind it appears the PP with a debt of 38.54 million euros, almost 39% of its balance sheet at the end of the year, and almost all loans with banks because its debt with third parties did not reach 350,000 euros.

Izquierda Unida appears in third place with a debt of 14.55 million euros, a quantitatively smaller figure but very relevant for its situation because it represented 77% of its annual balance.

Likewise, its Catalan representative of Esquerra Unida i Alternativa (EUiA) had a debt of almost 565,000 euros and its ally of Initiative per Catalunya (ICV) owed another nine million euros and its accounting situation presented ‘red numbers’.

In addition to the 11.4 million that the PNV owed, the report also highlights the case of Ciudadanos, which at the end of the 2019 financial year had a debt of 7.92 million, derived from electoral calls and, since then, its trajectory He has gone from defeat to defeat: disappearance in Euskadi and Madrid, a seat in Castilla y León, and loss of 80% of councilors in this year’s municipal elections, until his decision not to run in the general elections in July.

Convergéncia (CDC) also had a debt of 4.36 million euros at the beginning of 2020, although in its case it is already a party in bankruptcy proceedings.