He does not predict a “medium-term breakup” in the Consell and sees Mazón as “very comfortable with a vice president who defended the dictatorship without complexes”


The general secretary of the PSPV-PSOE, Ximo Puig, has stated that “to defend Valencian, the best thing is to speak it” and has regretted the “extraordinary setback” in terms of language that he considers to be occurring under the Consell de PP and Vox , whose members “speak minimally in Valencian”: “What it is about is speaking it, not constantly discussing it.”

This is what the former president of the Generalitat said in an interview with Europa Press, in which he criticized that the current head of the executive, Carlos Mazón, wants to “reopen what is already functioning properly.”

For this reason, and although “street Valencian is absolutely accepted in all areas”, the former president has highlighted that “all languages ??have regulations.” “Imagine for a certain moment that the president of the government of Spain went to the Royal Spanish Academy of Language and told them how they had to standardize Spanish. It would be ridiculous. Well, it is exactly as ridiculous for the president of the Generalitat to do it here “, has added.

“The Valencian Academy of Language is made up of competent people from the academic world, from the philological world, who know how to treat a good loved by all, which is language. No one is going to be questioned about whether they speak with one dialectalism or another, if is that this is the very reality of our language. Our language has many different accents,” Puig pointed out.

In fact, he insisted: “We have a great wealth that is Spanish and Valencian. They are our two official languages ??and the languages ??that we have to fundamentally protect and support. Valencian is the one that is most minimized and that is the way. way is not to return to generating sterile controversies that all they do is divide.

Faced with this, he has criticized that “the dividing line between the PP and Vox on this issue is very thin” and in fact, he believes that the Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, “acts like a ‘hooligan’ against the Valencian.”

“The president himself is practically not known to have made any intervention even remotely in Valencian. I believe that dignifying Valencian is speaking it. To dignify Valencian and defend Valencian is to make the language a normalized use,” he stated.

In fact, asked about the future of the Consell de PP and Vox, Puig stated: “A few years ago there was talk of that which unites cement more than accent, I believe that in this case it unites cement and accent, I don’t see that there is no possibility of a breakup in the medium term,” he added.

Specifically, he referred to the “six merciless men” who signed the pact between PP and Vox – three negotiators for each party – and indicated that “they have all been in the PP.” For this reason, he does not predict “any crisis” and believes that the ‘popular’ feel “quite comfortable.”

“The president feels very comfortable with a vice president who, by the way, defended the dictatorship without complexes,” he said and asserted that “it is increasingly difficult to distinguish the PP from Vox.”

On the other hand, Puig has assured that “institutional representatives, especially, must be especially rigorous and careful with the worst inequalities that exist, which is that which punishes women and it is true that the sexist culture is predominant in this society still and at least we have to be aware of it.

This week, the trustee of the PSPV-PSOE in Les Corts, Rebeca Torró, warned Mazón that she was not going to tolerate “any lack of respect or any sexist attitude”, and denounced that in the last control session he “winked at her “at the end of his speech; “a gesture unworthy of a ‘president’ of the Generalitat.” “Would you wink at Joan Baldoví?” He told her.

For Puig, “we must be aware of this, especially all men.” “In addition, there is a part of the Valencian government that denies this sexist culture very clearly, another I don’t know so much about, but a very important part of the current government denies even that situation.”

In this sense, he has assured that “the sexist culture is what produces inequality and what, in the worst of extremes, produces sexist terrorism.” “This is the reality, and the main inequality problem we have, without a doubt, is that which discriminates against women for the fact of being women,” she added.

On the other hand, Puig has accused Mazón’s executive of living “in opposition to the pre-government of Spain and the previous government.” “That is the definition of the current government. Opposition to the previous government, nothing more. There is no alternative government in the Valencian Community. The alternative that was proposed was a destructive alternative, and that is what they are continuing to do now,” he added. .

He has also criticized the Consell’s insistence on talking about the “inheritance received”: “For inheritance, that which the government of the first Botànic received. That was indeed an inheritance, with more than 150 convicted, with a reputation in tatters, with situations at the European level of complaints and sentences contrary to the management of the Generalitat”, he added.

For this reason, he has insisted that “the budget is his sole responsibility.” “If the first action of this Government has been to reduce taxes on those people who have more resources, it is evident that those resources will no longer be available to them,” he pointed out and added that “he does not know what they will do” with the Tax. Heritage.

“As they reduce taxes on the people who have the most, it is evident that they will have fewer resources. And this year they are going to be lucky, because there will be more funds from the Government of Spain, because the regional financing system, even the current, will provide more funds, for reasons of tax collection in Spain,” he added.

In an organic way, Puig has refused to comment on whether he will run again for the general secretary of the PSPV-PSOE in the next congress (scheduled for autumn 2024): “At this time, politics must be lived as society is, this society liquid in which we are living with so many ups and downs”. “The decision on this issue and others will be when appropriate, and of course, it is not appropriate now,” he concluded.

Thus, he has indicated that he is in “full legitimacy” and working on a project to “reconstruct the alternative.” “We must keep in mind that when I began my journey as general secretary, we were around 15-16% in the polls and at the moment we are more than 30% in electoral results. I believe that a great job has been done by all the militancy of the Socialist Party, from all the different directions and that is a fundamental part of the current assets of the PSPV,” he added.

In this sense, he stressed that his objective is to have created a “livable, comfortable party, in which there was no one who wanted to contribute who did not do so.” “I think that over the years this capacity for integration and common participation in a project that belongs to everyone has been perfectly demonstrated, and that will be until I am responsible for my actions, and I hope that from then on moment too.”

“The parties cannot be navel-gazing, they must be constantly thinking about society and how to improve society, and be in these perspectives that many like so much to introspect, and these inbred perspectives are an anomaly in the functioning of what political organizations should be”, “projects for society and with society”. “The parties of the 21st century must open up much more,” she added.