The former president of Catalonia and MEP, Carles Puigdemont, has warned the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, that “mistrust is born from non-compliance” in his speech in the European Parliament this Wednesday and has complained about not being able to use Catalan in the Eurochamber.

Sánchez and Puigdemont have agreed in the hemicycle of the European Parliament, the first time that both come together after PSOE and Junts agree on an Amnesty Law that will benefit those involved in the process, in exchange for the investiture of the socialist leader.

Puigdemont walked towards the stands and passed by Sánchez, although there was no gesture between the two. “Europe’s problem has never been promises, Europe’s problem is the fulfillment of those promises,” the Junts leader said.

“Because non-compliance gives rise to distrust, distrust that can put even a project as solid as the European Union at risk,” he then warned.

In this way, he has ordered him to comply with the agreements agreed between socialists and post-convergents that include the approval of the amnesty law and also refer to the national recognition of Catalonia. Junts also demands in this agreement that the alleged fiscal deficit of the State with this community be ended and 100% of the taxes be transferred.

Furthermore, Puigdemont has complained about having to express himself in Spanish and not being able to do so in Catalan and therefore not being able to exercise his “fundamental rights” because “that Europe of the people that you had to defend during your presidency does not include us if we speak in Catalan.” , he has reproached.

Puigdemont launches these darts after the debate has slowed down to include Catalan and the rest of the co-official languages ??of Spain as official languages ??of the EU, one of the first demands made by the Catalan independentists to begin negotiating their support for the investiture. of Sanchez.

“Our freedom of expression in this Chamber is worth less than yours. President Sánchez, opportunities must be taken advantage of when they occur. If they are passed over due to fear or inability, the consequences are never pleasant,” he concluded.