Crime increases by 5.9% in Spain as a whole, with increases in practically all indicators analyzed by Interior


The Crime Balance of the Ministry of the Interior for the year 2023 reflects that rapes increased by 14.2% compared to the previous year, in addition to noting an increase in Spain as a whole in practically all indicators, such as attempted homicides. and murders (11.2%), kidnappings (45.2%) and drug trafficking (9.5%).

Total crime increased by 5.9% in Spain in the last year, recording 2,459,659 incidents, of which 80.9% correspond to the category of conventional crime – which represents a variation of the 2.1% compared to 2022–. Cybercrime accounts for the remaining 19.1%, although this type of crime rose sharply by 25.5% over the previous year.

Crimes against sexual freedom increased by 15.1% in 2023, recording 19,981 facts known to the Security Forces, including regional and local police. Specifically, the department headed by Fernando Grande-Marlaska registers a 14.2% increase in rapes, with 4,875 cases, adding both sexual assaults with penetration and abuse with penetration until October 2022.

According to Interior, “this increase must be put, in part, in relation to the active policies of raising awareness and reducing social and personal tolerance against this type of criminal acts.” The Ministry adds that this “translates into a greater willingness of victims to report them, which reduces the levels of underreporting in relation to these types of crimes.”

The Interior statistics between January and December 2023 only reflect a decrease in the number of robberies with force in homes (-2.4%), within a conventional crime that increases by autonomous communities in Extremadura (7.8%), Asturias (7.4%), Canary Islands (6%), Catalonia (5.6%), La Rioja (5%), Comunitat Valenciana (3.9%), Andalusia (3.1%), Murcia (3% ) and Navarra (1.4%). In the rest it decreases, with significant drops in Ceuta (-10.5%) and Melilla (-7.9%).

Nationally, intentional homicides and completed murders rose to 336 (3.1%) and those recorded as attempted rose to 1,349 (11.2%). Crimes of injuries and fights also increased (3.7) and kidnappings by 45.2%, going from 84 to 122 cases in 2023.

In the chapter on robberies with violence and intimidation, they increased by 2.2% and only those carried out with force in homes decreased (-2.4%) – if establishments and other facilities are added, the increase is 1. 2%–.

Thefts (3.3%), vehicle thefts (6.7%) and drug trafficking (9.5%) also increased. This last Interior data relates it to the most intense police activity, referring to the Special Security Plan for the Campo de Gibraltar. “Given that very few complaints occur in this criminal phenomenon, it is actually an indicator of police activity against this type of crime,” he points out.

Interior highlights computer scams as a striking indicator due to their “impact on crime as a whole.” “Computer scams represented the annual number of 426,744 crimes in 2023, which implies that in just eight years they grew by 508% over those registered in 2016.”