Barcelona, ??September 20, 2023.

The study carried out by Ringover also reveals that customer service teams that have already used AI tools resolved, on average, 14% more incidents per hour. Additionally, companies could save more than $89 billion a year if their sales teams used this technology.

A study by Ringover claims that AI can help marketing and sales teams save time and money, work more efficiently, and improve sales. The research, carried out among professionals and companies in the field of sales and marketing at a global level, highlights that a 50% increase in the number of potential clients was observed with the use of AI solutions. Additionally, these tools helped customer service teams increase the number of issues resolved per hour by 14%. The report also predicts strong growth for these types of technologies. Thus, the size of the global AI market will reach 1.8 trillion dollars in 2030 and that of chatbots will reach 1.25 billion in 2025. In fact, 23% of marketing professionals already use AI in their day to day professional, while in the field of sales the percentage is 21%. The automation of tasks and processes has been revealed as one of the main advantages of AI for companies, allowing them to save time and money. The Ringover study also estimates that companies could save about $89 billion each year if sales teams used this technology for mundane and repetitive tasks, such as data entry, which currently take up 70% of their time. Additionally, one-third of marketers cite time savings as the top benefit these solutions bring. AI also carries risks that businesses are aware of and strive to minimize. Among them, those related to cybersecurity (pointed out by 55% of respondents), regulatory compliance (36%) and privacy (28%) stand out. “In recent times, we have witnessed an explosion of AI tools that have brought multiple advantages for all types of companies, such as saving time and money or greater efficiency in processes,” says Johanna Arias, Country Manager for Spain.

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