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This pioneering initiative in Latin America, coordinated from the Getafe Hospital with the support of CEOMA, analyzes the impact of an intervention consisting of a program of education, exercise and adjustment of therapeutic objectives on functional deterioration in frail and pre-frail older people. with diabetes.

The program, financed by the European Union, is currently being developed in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Chile.

The clinical trial, which will end in December 2024, has more than 700 participants and represents a paradigm shift in the management of diabetes in older people.

Madrid, April 5, 2024.- Frail and pre-frail older people with diabetes who participate in the DIABFRAIL-LATAM research project, coordinated by the Getafe University Hospital (Madrid) and in which CEOMA works actively together with several prestigious foundations, universities, institutes and hospitals in Latin America, have shown improvements in their physical condition after incorporating healthy habits and including exercise in their daily routine, according to the preliminary results of the study that have been released on the occasion of World Health Day. Health. The project, which will end in December 2024, involves several countries such as Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Italy and the United States and has more than 700 participants. With the support of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which is also part of the project partnership, this pioneering initiative, financed by the European Commission, analyzes the effect of an intervention consisting of an education, exercise and adjustment program of therapeutic objectives on functional deterioration in frail and pre-frail older people with diabetes.

The project is led by Dr. Rodríguez Mañas and his team from the Getafe University Hospital, a leader in research into frailty in older patients. The clinical pharmacologist-researcher at the HUG Biomedical Research Foundation and project coordinator, Dr. Olga Laosa, has celebrated the good preliminary results of the trial and has highlighted that “many of the participants extended physical activity for much longer than initially described, which was 16 weeks. Laosa explained that, thanks to the project, “they have managed to change their lifestyle habits and include physical activity in their daily routines, with very satisfactory results in their improvement.” Furthermore, “the interaction with health professionals during follow-up has been very gratifying.”

Importance of early detection of frailty.

The coordinator of DIABFRAIL-LATAM has highlighted the need to “not only seek scientific advances but also to raise awareness in society about the management of diabetes in older people.” Laosa has insisted that education and early detection of fragility are “key” to being able to “establish a treatment that prevents the development of disability.”

The world’s population is increasingly aging and, for the first time in history, people over 65 years of age outnumber those under 5 years of age. This demographic change is accompanied by numerous relevant changes and particular conditions inherent to aging, such as a greater number of diseases, including diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a highly prevalent chronic disease in older people that generates complications in many organs such as the eyes, kidney, nervous system, arteries or heart, among others, as well as a compromise in people’s functionality and in their cognitive ability.

People with diabetes mellitus have a higher risk of developing disability and dementia than older people who do not have it. For this reason, CEOMA demands that, to promote healthy aging, older people’s access to integrated services focused not only on their diseases, but also on their needs, be guaranteed. In this way, according to the entity, the group preserves its functionality and an adequate quality of life.

For more information about the project: www.diabfrail-latam.eu.

(Scaling an evidence-based intervention program in older people with Diabetes and Frailty in Latin America) is a multicenter study to evaluate the effectiveness of an exercise and education program on the functional capacity of older patients with diabetes that is funded of the European Commission and which is developed in Latin America.

Spanish Confederation of Seniors’ Organizations CEOMA is a non-profit entity created to defend the rights of older people. It represents 26 senior organizations from the different Autonomous Communities, with more than 800,000 basic members and more than 1,500 Associations.

More information: www.ceoma.org.

Celia Moreno Garrido.

General coordinator.

Responsible for Communication and Institutional Image. celiamoreno@ceoma.org.

C/ Fernando el Católico, 10 – Local 7 28015 MADRID.

Mobile: 626 170 705 Tel.: 91 557 25 56.

Isana Navarro.

Europa Press Communication.
