A Coruña, April 17, 2023.

A Coruña, April 17- Last December, Cervezas 1906 launched a challenge to all the home brewers in the country to encourage them to make a version of their emblematic 1906 Red Vintage. “Put our brewmaster red” was the call to action of this contest that every year manages to mobilize dozens of applicants from all over the country. In this way, XX were selected to elaborate a recipe that on this occasion had to interpret the Helles DoppelBock, the honored style.

After a long process in which the jury has worked hard to analyze all the proposals, this weekend the grand finale of this contest took place, whose main objective is to value the work of homebrewers and recognize their dedication to the beer cause

Pedro Nieto, home brewer from Valladolid, prevailed among the 5 applicants who presented their beer proposals in the final. The winner received a prize of 1000 euros to invest in improving his brewing equipment.

The winner of this contest commented “Just for the fact of reaching the final and being able to exchange impressions with people with whom you share the same hobby is a great satisfaction. Now I think about the whole process, from when I brewed the beer at home, seeing how it went through the rounds until it reached the final and even winning a contest, organized by a brewery like Hijos de Rivera, is a very difficult feeling to explain.”

Pedro Nieto prevailed over the rest of the finalists who were Álvaro Pascua González, from Oviedo, Francisco López del Socorro, from Socuéllamos, Helder Neves Silva, from Barcelona and Manuel Ferrer González, from Madrid.

According to Martín Gómez Toba, Beer Culture Technician at Hijos de Rivera, “This year, as in the first edition, we challenge homebrewers to produce a style of low-fermentation beer, where the selection of yeast and control temperature is vital to avoid defects in the final result. As if this were not enough, the challenge was also to elaborate a clear version of the dopplebock style, so the choice of the type and quantity of malts had to be carefully measured. Although the difficulty was maximum, the five finalists managed to produce high quality beers, so it was really difficult to choose between such good creations.

Red Night, tribute event to 1906 Red Vintage

The final of this contest took place this weekend within the framework of La Noche Roja, an event in which, in addition to knowing the opinion of the jury and witnessing the presentation of the finalists live, attendees enjoyed a complete experience gastrocervecera.

The house’s Beer Culture team worked hard to publicize the keys to perfect service and awaken the qualities of those present as beer tasters on a night in which the red of the emblematic 1906 Red Vintage was the great protagonist .

A beer pairing show cooking given by the renowned chef Iván Domínguez that combined perfectly with each of the 1906 Beers gave way to music that in this case was performed by Sila Lúa as the final touch of this event.

Inspiration and brewing talent

After launching the challenges to cover the Dunkel Bock (Save de Black Coupage) and the Irish Red Ale (Save the Galician Irish Red Ale), Cervezas 1906 presented in December the third edition of this contest that tried to awaken the inspiration of homebrewers to develop their own version of the 1906 Red Vintage, Helles DoppelBock style, one of the most awarded beers in our country (World Beer Challenge, World Beer Awards, among others). In this way, homebrewers had the opportunity to present their different proposals and surprise the Hijos de Rivera master brewers with their own recipes.

After the announcement of the challenge, a total of XX applicants from all parts of the country presented their credentials to participate in this competition. After weeks of preparation and going through different phases, the jury had the opportunity to taste all the beers and select those with the highest level and that best fit the style requirements of the contest to choose the finalists.

With this initiative, Cervezas 1906 wants to value homebrewing, which began in the 70s of the last century in the US, as a result of the lifting of the ban on brewing beer at home, which triggered an avalanche of enthusiasts and the creation of homebrewers clubs, such as the AHA (American Homebrewers Association)

Since then, this movement has spread throughout the world, and in Spain the Association of Spanish Home Brewers (ACCE) was created in 2009, whose main function is the promotion and dissemination of beer culture and which currently has with more than 1,000 members.

Contact Contact name: Cecilia Babarro Alén Contact description: Head of press Contact telephone: 981 901 906