Barcelona, ??March 23, 2023.

He lost two jobs due to the previous economic crisis, which led him to accumulate a debt that he could not repay

The Mercantile Court No. 11 of Barcelona (Catalonia) has issued the Benefit of Exoneration of Unsatisfied Liabilities (BEPI) in the case of a man from Castelldefels (Barcelona) who has been exonerated from a debt of 52,057 euros. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, the leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENTAccording to the lawyers of Repair your Debt, “his state of insolvency originated when he requested financing for the acquisition of household furniture. At first he had no problem in paying the installments. However, the debtor passed from being multi-employed -with the sufficient capacity to repay the loans- to losing two jobs due to the crisis of 2008, earning less than half of his income.As a result, he tried to reach an agreement with the banking entities to be able to reunify the debts and pay it off. But they did not accept it. Therefore, he found himself in a situation of unaffordable over-indebtedness.” As in his case, many people turn to the Second Chance Law after trying to find different solutions to their debt problems. They do it because they have suffered some kind of economic setback due to work or personal circumstances. It should be noted that the Second Chance Law entered into force in Spain in 2015 after its parliamentary approval. Since September of that same year, there have been more than 20,000 individuals and freelancers who have relied on the firm’s services to cancel the debts they have contracted and cannot assume. Repair your Debt Abogados is the leader in the application of the Second Chance Law in Spain. Since its foundation in September 2015, it has managed to exceed the figure of 130 million euros in debt to people from all the autonomous communities of the country, which has allowed them to get away from the anguish of their day to day. To offer confidence, the firm publishes the judgments of the cases in which they have participated.”It is important to affirm -explain the firm’s lawyers- that many of the exonerated decide to encourage people from their closest environment to start the process. And is that they have verified the high benefits of this law and they want others to also be able to resort to this tool”. Repair your Debt Abogados carries out a preliminary analysis for those who want to know if they can really have this second chance. In this way, they do not waste time or money for those who are thinking about taking advantage of this legislation. In order to have access to this tool, it is an essential requirement to meet a series of conditions. In summary, it is enough that the amount of the debt does not exceed 5 million euros, that the bankrupt has not been convicted of socioeconomic crimes in the last ten years and be considered a bona fide debtor, who delivers all the documentation to validate its insolvency status.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: David Guerrero Contact telephone number: 655956735