Urges to offer State reforms to Feijóo, longs for Felipe González’s PSOE and censures criticism of “the old socialists”


The former president of the socialist Junta of Extremadura Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra has asked the general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, not to make an agreement with the independentistas to carry out his investiture and to offer a “minimum agreement” to the PP that includes several reforms of State.

In a forum published in Diario de Sevilla, Ibarra has accepted that the PP was the winner of the elections – although he does not believe that Feijóo will be able to carry out his investiture. For this reason, he has asked the PSOE to lead an investiture and offer a pact to the PP, avoiding putting itself “in the hands” of those who “will never renounce their separatist pretensions.”

This agreement, which the socialist politician sees as “the only certain and necessary possibility for Spain” and which would be in exchange for the PP’s support or abstention from an investiture of Pedro Sánchez, should include a “renewal of the ’78 regime”, so that updated “with the new society.”

It would also have to promote a reform of the Constitution with those who “continue to identify with the literal tenor of its article 2”, defining Spain as “a federal State with similar characteristics to the German Federal State.”

Consequently, Ibarra has asked for the “disappearance of any type of asymmetry” and the “same level of competition” of each and every one of the autonomous communities. In addition, the promotion of policies that stop depopulation, such as the relocation of state agencies of the Government and Parliament to depopulated areas.

He also asks for a modification of the Electoral Law to prevent Congress from becoming “a fractional chamber” that “prevents the formation of a government without blackmail or demands.” At the same time, a reform of the Senate that turns it into “an authentic Chamber of territorial representation.”

Finally, the former president of Extremadura emphasizes the need for the Autonomous Financing System to have its formula in the Constitution so that it is “unalterable” except for a sufficient number of deputies.

If the PP did not want to enter into this reform process, the acting President of the Government “would call new elections” and “the PSOE reservists would commit to traveling around Spain defending this program and the candidate and General Secretary of the PSOE”, as he explained. Rodriguez Ibarra.

The historic socialist leader has confessed that many of those who have given “a good part of their lives” to the PSOE, as is his case, long for the party that Felipe González led before Pedro Sánchez and even José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

Thus, he has regretted that social networks “are full of insults and disqualifications” towards “brilliant socialists” whose “only sin is that of being outdated old men”, while he has censored that “any different opinion” to that decided by the Secretary General is described as “playing in favor of the right.”

“The ‘old socialists’ were also young and never insulted or despised the old socialists of Llopis,” the former Extremaduran president said, emphasizing that “it never” occurred to them “to call those who had been maintaining the acronym of the party for years and years as fascists.” PSOE in conditions of persecution or prison and exile.”

After also criticizing what he considers the “badly called primaries” and the lack of consultations with the bases so that they can pronounce on a variety of “substantial issues,” Ibarra has defended that the “old guard” of the party are reservists who maintain the “desire to win” and faith in the PSOE “as a party of political centrality.”