The PSOE rejected a proposal by Unidas Podemos to put Sareb homes on the market a little over six months ago in Congress, alleging that this state-owned company is not a public instrument in housing policies and that it does not have as many properties either.

Precisely this Sunday, the Prime Minister and PSOE Secretary General, Pedro Sánchez, announced his intention to dedicate some 50,000 social rental homes to Sareb, the so-called ‘bad bank’ created after the financial crisis.

It was in September of last year when Unidas Podemos defended a non-legal proposal in plenary session of Congress requesting the transfer of Sareb properties and land to city councils and autonomous communities. The initiative had the support of Esquerra Republicana (ERC) and EH Bildu, but nevertheless it did not go ahead due to the rejection, among others, of PSOE, PP, Ciudadanos and Vox.

In the debate, the Socialist deputy Valentín García Gómez explained that the Bank Restructuring Asset Management Company “is not the main public instrument for developing housing policies.” “What’s more, it’s not even a public instrument to develop housing policies,” he went on to say, because “neither the size of the housing package they own nor an objective analysis of the housing market allows it.”

In fact, Sareb’s own website indicates that, as of this Monday, the company has 46,542 homes throughout Spain, some 14,200 under construction and land for another 24,619.

After the government reached an agreement last week to move forward with the housing law, Sánchez stated that it was necessary to go “further” and make thousands of properties available to young people and families. The Executive’s idea is to allocate these homes to affordable rentals for young people and families.

In this sense, the Government’s intention is to offer municipalities and autonomous communities 21,000 homes and promote the social rental of 14,000 already enabled in that park. In addition, the construction of up to 15,000 public homes will be promoted on land available from Sareb.

The measure will be approved this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers. Unidas Podemos, which had been demanding this measure for years and which claims to have received no prior information about the president’s announcement, has announced that it will support it even though it may be seen as something electoral.