The European summit and Morocco make up the agenda that will serve to test the level of tension and tension between PSOE and PP MADRID, April 7. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will face each other next Wednesday in a parliamentary debate in the Plenary Session of Congress convened to talk about the last European summit and Morocco. This duel will foreseeably have as a backdrop the crossfire of PSOE and PP over corruption, after the mutual reproaches of these weeks for the activities of the wife of the head of the Executive, Begoña Gómez, and the partner of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

Political tension has skyrocketed in the last month. The ‘popular’ have attacked the socialists with the so-called ‘Koldo case’ over alleged bites in the purchase of masks during the pandemic, while the PSOE has demanded the resignation of Ayuso due to the complaint of alleged tax fraud that affects her boyfriend .

This level of tension has also been seen by Sánchez and Feijóo in the last two control sessions of Congress. The Chief Executive even asked Feijóo several times to demand Ayuso’s resignation even if he “costs him his job” like his predecessor, Pablo Casado. And the leader of the PP, for his part, accused him of creating the “fan” and promised a “relentless” opposition in the Koldo case: “Mr. Sánchez, it is his plot.”

The ‘popular’ consider that this case has only just begun and that we must wait for the “dump of the 23 cell phones that the Civil Guard seized from Koldo García, former advisor to former minister José Luis Ábalos. In addition, Feijóo has threatened with an investigation “specific” parliamentary opinion on Sánchez’s wife’s relationship with Air Europa and for the letters of support to companies revealed by ‘El Confidencial’, although at this time there is no question of summoning her to appear in the investigative commission that has been created in the Senate.

This parliamentary duel between Sánchez and Feijóo will take place in the middle of the Basque campaign on April 21, and with a pre-electoral atmosphere throughout the parliamentary arc due to the other two appointments with the polls set on the calendar: Catalan on May 12 and European on June 9.

Feijóo has assumed the climate of tension that exists in Spain by publicly recognizing that the current political class is the “worst in democracy.” “I’m not making reservations,” he responded on Wednesday when asked if he included the PP, although he stressed that each one has responsibility for him. Thus, he recalled that he has presented up to six State pacts to Sánchez but without even having “acknowledgment of receipt.” “It won’t be because I haven’t tried,” he added.

The President of the Government, who has accused Feijóo of creating a “toxic and flammable” opposition, has also linked the current political tension with the blockade that, in his opinion, the PP maintains by not renewing the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). ), which has been expired for more than five years.

The Government assumes that Wednesday’s debate will take place in the same harsh tone as in recent weeks and insist on blaming the PP, which in their opinion is the one that “dirties” everything. In this sense, sources from Moncloa have indicated to Europa Press that they find it difficult for the popular people to assume responsibility and the sense of State and consider that they will continue to “make a mess.”

According to the agenda, Sánchez will appear before Congress on April 10 to report on the state of relations with Morocco and what was discussed at the European Council on March 21 and 22.

The Chief Executive will give an account of the trip in which he was received in audience by King Mohamed VI, although he was unable to get Rabat to commit to a specific date for the opening of the Ceuta and Melilla customs.

Sánchez then acknowledged that on the Spanish side “everything is ready” so that the Melilla customs can reopen and the Ceuta customs can start operating, but on the Moroccan side there are still issues to resolve. As he specified, the Prime Minister, Aziz Ajanuch, assured him that “as soon as” they are resolved, this step included in the roadmap agreed in 2022 will be taken.

At the end of February, the PP already requested Sánchez’s appearance to explain that trip to Morocco and shortly after, it put forward in Congress a non-legal proposal in which it requires the Government to resume the policy of neutrality and recover political consensus with the Sahara. , which had a negative vote from the PSOE but with the support of Sumar.

‘Génova’ currently maintains secrecy regarding Feijóo’s intervention and has not specified whether it will demand explanations for the change in position on the Sahara or whether it will ask for an account for the information that includes the president’s mobile phone and that was stolen from him with the program ‘ Pegasus’.

A few weeks ago, the Deputy Secretary of Institutional Affairs of the PP, Esteban González Pons, already announced that they will demand access to Sánchez’s phone in the investigative commission on Pegasus created in Congress.

Regarding the summit of European leaders, Sánchez will highlight, according to Moncloa sources, the agreements reached by the partners on the war in Israel and Gaza and the situation in the Middle East and the commitment reached by Spain, Ireland, Slovenia and Malta to the recognition of Palestine as a State.

The Government has already confirmed that it will make this recognition official before the summer and through a resolution of the Council of Ministers, although Sánchez will later go to Congress to inform the parliamentary groups.

In this sense, Sánchez will also emphasize that the conclusions reached by the 27 on the conflict in Gaza reflect the position that Spain maintains, they call for a ceasefire, the opening of land corridors, for Israel not to start an offensive in Rafá and for maintain support for the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA)

He will also mention, predictably, the recent tour of the region and the bombing by Israel against a convoy of the NGO World Central Kitchen of the Spanish chef José Andrés, in which 7 aid workers died, as well as Tel Aviv’s recent decision to open new access to humanitarian aid.

Feijóo’s PP has not taken a position on Sánchez’s proposal for a Palestinian State, but former president José María Aznar has done so to reject it. “To those who refer to the creation of a Palestinian State, what do they mean by a Palestinian State? That does not exist. That is absurd,” said the former president at a FAES event.

Sánchez will also explain the commitment of the partners to strengthen the Security and Defense industry in the face of a threat scenario and also the agreement of the partners to ask the European Commission to relax the rules to channel more national aid to farmers, after weeks of sector protests.

In the midst of the processing of the Amnesty Law in the Senate and with the Catalan campaign just around the corner, it is not surprising that the parliamentary groups allude to this norm in the Congressional debate, which will already take center stage this Monday on the occasion of the General Commission of Autonomous Communities that the PP has promoted.

Another issue in the media focus is the Memory Law, which could also come up in the debate after the Government announced a few days ago that it will appeal the PP and Vox Memory regulations before the UN, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. From ‘Génova’ they disgrace Moncloa that every time there are elections they take out the Franco regime. “It’s a classic,” Feijóo summarized this week, to reiterate that if he governs he will repeal Sánchez’s Memory Law.