The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has asked businessmen to act responsibly, think long term and “not let themselves be dragged” by the “radical media and political parties” that benefit from selling polarization and are obsessed with presenting the Executive as a systemic rival.

“Spain is a paradise for those companies that want to prosper through innovation, talent, clean and cheap energy, institutional stability and top-of-the-line infrastructure. For companies that want to get rich by creating real value and paying a fair level of taxes. We welcome these companies with open arms,” ??said the president during his speech at the 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, in Davos (Switzerland).

According to Sánchez, companies are essential for the growth and well-being of a country, they are those that create employment, innovation and contribute to territorial coherence, but he stressed that this “does not happen in a vacuum.”

“Companies and entrepreneurs are the product of democracy, the product of an international order based on rules and of a Welfare State that supports the middle and working classes, that guarantees social peace and guarantees adequate levels of human capital and of prosperity,” he recalled, after warning that without these pillars, their business models would collapse “like houses of cards.”

Sánchez has taken advantage of his speech in Davos to demand that businessmen get involved and help improve the purchasing power of workers, fight against the climate crisis, defend international standards and democracy “fighting against the involution represented by these reactionary currents that run through the world”.

He has urged them not to believe in the old neoliberal postulates that present the State as a purely extractive entity that does not create value. “Nor in that the only responsibility of companies is to increase profits for their shareholders,” he highlighted.

Sánchez has indicated that companies need governments to innovate and grow, and that if companies do not collaborate with society, if they do not align their interests with all of society, they will not be able to overcome the great challenges of this era, and That will in turn have an impact on their businesses.

“Therefore, act responsibly, think long-term and do not let yourself be dragged by those media and radical political parties obsessed with presenting us as systemic rivals that benefit from selling polarization,” he insisted.

Thus, it has emphasized taking advantage of challenges to build bridges, expand synergies and establish new forms of collaboration and public-private alliances. “The Government of Spain is your ally,” he assured them.

According to Sánchez, the extreme right and autocratic regimes are advancing and he has warned that this “terrible trend” is only a symptom of deeper problems, and one of them is the erosion of the middle and working classes.

“And we have, therefore, to put an end to this erosion and we have to do it without turning our backs on our values, the environmental crisis or the needs of the poorest countries,” he stressed.

Sánchez spoke out in Davos about the Government’s management of economic and social matters in Spain: “Currently, Spaniards know that neoliberal policies do not work. That the option of cutting the public sector and leaving citizens alone does not make sense.” .

As an example, he has highlighted that his Government has raised the minimum wage by 54%, has expanded labor rights, has reduced temporary employment and poverty and has created more than 2 million new jobs, many of them in high-risk sectors. added value, such as technology.

At the same time, the president highlighted that Spain has grown above the eurozone and OECD average and has been one of the first countries in Europe to reduce inflation, while attracting more foreign direct investment than ever. .

Furthermore, he has been pleased to have lowered taxes on the middle and working classes and raised them “on the most well-off.” “We have promoted policies that we were told were impossible or reckless, and yet they have proven to be possible and beneficial,” she stressed.