The acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has committed a total of 140 million euros to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the coming years and has also offered Spain as the venue for the financing summit of the SDGs. themselves, which will be held in 2025.

In a speech from New York, where he traveled to participate in the United Nations High Level Week, Sánchez said that Spain will make new financial contributions. Firstly, he has indicated that it will reach up to 120 million euros for the Joint Fund for the SDGs, of which Spain is already the second donor, as he has highlighted.

At the SDG summit taking place this Monday in the American city, he promised 20 million euros for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) “to continue strengthening food security,” as he stressed.

In this sense, the acting head of the Executive has indicated that he expects Spain to be among the top 10 donors, with contributions to the Trust Fund for special purposes and the regular budget of United Nations agencies between 2024 and 2027.

“Spain wants to play an active role in the entire debate that the Secretary General is promoting,” he added, and therefore has offered that Spain host the fourth summit on financing for sustainable development that will take place in 2025. “We want have a truly transformative impact and for this we must start working now,” he urged.

In his speech, Sánchez defended the need to “build stronger and more resilient societies” to achieve compliance with the SDGs and a “future of progress” and to “act now.”

In this sense, he has taken advantage of the “enormous economic efforts” made by the Government in recent years “to put together a robust social shield” that protects the most vulnerable as well as the reforms undertaken in different areas such as employment, health or gender equality “with no one left behind.”