He argues that a political crisis “never had to lead to judicial action” and avoids denying Junqueras about the amnesty


The acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, expressed this Wednesday his rejection of the “judicial action” that was taken against the leaders of the process in Catalonia, when asked if he maintains his commitment to bringing the former president of the Generalitat to Spain. Carles Puigdemont to stand trial.

After reiterating respect for “the work and work of justice”, at a press conference in New York, where he is attending the UN General Assembly, he maintained that he has always defended that “a political crisis never had to lead to judicial action and judicialization” like the one that occurred with the ‘procés’.

Sánchez recalled that when the then attorney general, José Manuel Maza, launched the judicial procedure with a complaint against leaders of the ‘procés’, including Puigdemont, he conveyed his “discomfort” to president Mariano Rajoy.

Firstly, he pointed out, “because we had not been consulted and the PSOE supported the PP in the face of this constitutional crisis” caused by the independence movement and secondly, “because we had transferred a conflict that had a political root to judicial channels.”

“What we have done during all these years with enormous effort and absolute incomprehension of those who governed Spain when this constitutional crisis occurred has been to try to return to politics what never had to leave politics,” he summarized.

On the other hand, he has avoided denying the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, and thus confirming whether the amnesty law has already been agreed with the Catalan independentists, while ensuring that if he is re-elected president he will be “coherent” with what he has done. until now in Catalonia, where the last legislature granted pardon to those convicted of the process, in addition to eliminating the crime of sedition and lowering that of embezzlement.

The president has avoided responding on up to two occasions to clarify whether the ERC leader has lied by saying that when it was agreed to support the PSOE to obtain the presidency of Congress, the amnesty was also agreed upon. “I’m not going in,” he said.

“The conversations may be discreet but the agreements are transparent,” he has limited himself to pointing out, hiding behind the fact that now is the “time” for the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and therefore he will not speak until he fails in his investiture and Felipe VI eventually designates him as a candidate.

“There I will speak with total frankness, with total transparency, about what the main lines of a hypothetical administration led by the Socialist Party will be,” he said, announcing that “it will be consistent” with what has been done in Catalonia.

“When I say that I am going to be consistent with the policy of normalization and stabilization in Catalonia, I am saying a lot, because I believe that the data, the facts, are there, and those are not debatable, they are indisputable, Catalonia is much better,” claimed the chief executive.

In line with this, and regarding the debate around unilaterality, he has stressed that currently only around 10 or 11% of Catalans support this route, which means that there are 90% who “what they want is dialogue, is the reunion, is the coexistence and is the harmony”. “That is where the Government of Spain is going to be,” she stressed.

Sánchez has highlighted that Catalan society “has said yes to the Government’s policy of reunion” and has once again championed the change registered in Catalonia, where now the PSOE, “a constitutionalist force”, is the first force, and where the leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, could be the next ‘president’ in the 2025 elections.

On the other hand, he has defended that the PSOE does not give “lessons in constitutionalism” as the PP does, whom he has accused once again of having failed to comply with the Constitution for 5 years for not having agreed to the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). ).

In this sense, he has told the ‘popular’ that if they want to be “credible” with what they say, they should accept the proposal he made to Feijóo so that the former president of the Government would receive the support of the opposition leader to renew the CGPJ. . “We are willing,” he stated.

The PSOE, Sánchez has added, does not distribute “constitutionalism cards.” “We comply with the Constitution every day of the year and all the articles,” he stressed.

Likewise, he referred to the investiture of Feijóo, who urged “by land, sea and air” the King to appoint him a candidate and almost a month later “the PP continues where it started, in isolation.”