He admits that the meeting with Junts was held in Geneva because Puigdemont is outside Spain, a fugitive from justice

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, stated this Monday that the verifier who participates in the meetings between PSOE and ERC, as a result of the investiture agreement sealed between both parties, will be a different person from the one who exercises that function in the meetings with Junts. , the Salvadoran diplomat Francisco Galindo.

In an interview on the Ser channel, collected by Europa Press, Sánchez indicated that “in principle” he will be a different person and they will have different discussion tables with both groups.

However, he has pointed out that they are talking “about the same issues” with both ERC and Junts and he would like it to be possible to reach a negotiation process in which these two groups would be involved, although he considers that right now it is “very premature” and It is “very green.”

Furthermore, Sánchez has justified the meeting that took place this Saturday in Geneva between PSOE and Junts and has admitted that it is being held in that city because the former Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont (Junts), who participates in the meetings, is away from Spain, fleeing from justice due to the events of the process.

When replied that Puigdemont resides in Waterloo, near Brussels and not in Geneva, Sánchez responds that the chosen place is a decision that is made between the two parties. Next, by making him see that Geneva is a place of special symbolism for the resolution of conflicts, he announced that the Government of José María Aznar, who this morning gave an interview, held meetings with the terrorist group ETA in this same town, when the organization was active.

In this sense, he says that the right always looks for any excuse to hinder what its judgment is “noble purposes”, that is, coexistence and overcoming a territorial dispute that has caused a lot of pain in Catalan society and in society as a whole. Spanish, as he has expressed.

He has also rejected that this meeting was carried out with secrecy but with “due discretion”, he has pointed out that it was the first of many others that will be held soon and that politics needs “spaces of discretion.” He also repeats that the Constitution will be the framework for any agreement and when there is an agreement it will be made known to public opinion.


Along these same lines, Sánchez defends that the amnesty law that will favor those involved in the independence process in Catalonia in 2017, is carried out in a “specific context”, on the one hand stopping a Government of PP and Vox, with the consequences that, according to what he points out, could have for Catalonia.

On the other hand, he points out that a “progressive government, supported by nationalists from the outside” can provoke the “total reunion” between Catalan society that still remains to be completed, as he has pointed out.

Sánchez has defended that the amnesty, just as he said before with the pardons for the convicted independence leaders, means “setting the counter to zero” although he clarifies that it does not mean “setting the memory to zero” because lessons must be drawn from what happened. He also points out that in his opinion, today not even the PP questions the pardons and the positive effects they entailed.

After everything that has happened, he considers that the PP is “going back to its old ways” and is once again using the Catalan issue as a matter “of territorial grievance and confrontation between the people of Spain and the citizens”, as he has indicated. On the contrary, he thinks that the lessons that must be learned are: to advocate for the normalization of politics in this community and to overcome conflicts from politics, always within the constitutional framework.


Sánchez, despite the fact that before the 23J elections he was radically against granting an amnesty, now insists that both this measure and the pardons were steps that they were going to have to take “sooner or later.”

Finally, he indicates that beyond the motivations, what is important is the purpose for which the amnesty is granted, “to promote a context of social and economic political normalization in Catalonia” and also to carry out an agenda “of social progress” through the Government. coalition with Sumar.

Finally, when asked whether former President Puigdemont should be held accountable before Justice, as he maintained before needing the votes of Junts to be president, he says that it is a legitimate debate but the most relevant thing is to overcome what happened in 2017.