The general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, sent a letter to the militancy this Wednesday, after the demonstrations and riots in front of the national headquarters of Ferraz the last two nights and has stated that those who attend the concentrations do not accept the results elections of 23J.

Sánchez addresses the party’s bases to show his support “in the face of the episodes of intolerable harassment and violence that the ultras are perpetrating against the PSOE People’s Houses throughout Spain,” he indicates.

In his opinion, these are “unacceptable” events caused by the “frustration of a right that calls and a right that looks the other way, when it does not justify,” says the text sent to the militancy.

Along these lines, Sánchez maintains that on July 23, the Spanish rejected a government of PP and Vox and said yes to an Executive chaired by the PSOE. “A mandate questioned by those who refuse to accept the electoral results when they do not like them,” he emphasizes.

Furthermore, Sánchez affirms that this is not an isolated event and that it has been seen recently in other democracies, in countries such as “the United States, Brazil or more recently Argentina,” he points out. In fact, he considers that they are regrettable episodes of a traditional right “that ends up devoured by the most ultra sectors”, as in his opinion is happening in Spain.