87% of the 1,200 technicians who requested to move from the province will not be able to access the destination requested as their first option


More than 1,300 technicians from the Ministry of Finance have gathered in the offices of the Tax Agency (AEAT) in six Spanish cities to protest the “mobility crisis” they suffer as a result of the poor management of the AEAT and ask for measures to solve it. .

The mobilizations have been carried out in Madrid, Barcelona, ??Girona, Lleida, Tarragona and Palma de Mallorca to protest the “mobility crisis” they suffer “as a consequence of the poor management of the AEAT” which could take between 15 and 25 years to arrive. to a large part of the Spanish provinces, a figure that contrasts with the ease of movement in other bodies of the Tax Agency, according to Gestha.

In a statement, the union highlights that the communities where access to the transfer is most difficult are Galicia, Asturias and Castilla y León and regrets that 87% of the 1,200 technicians who requested to move from the province in the last mobility call did not manage to access to the destination requested as the first option.

The union has criticized the lack of response from the AEAT, despite the meetings, statements and signatures of more than a thousand affected technicians requesting a solution, a figure that increases every year, and has urged the AEAT Directorate to approve measures to solve these problems.

Furthermore, the union has denounced that the mobility problems of active technicians could worsen when the call for 538 positions for internal promotion to the Technical Corps is resolved in the event that the AEAT guarantees administrative staff who promote a position in the province in which they currently have their position (the so-called provincial reserve), as “has been happening for years.”

Likewise, he has warned that this situation “may be accentuated by future public employment offers, which are expected to be very large to compensate for the retirements of the baby boom.”

On the other hand, Gestha has stated that the benefit of provincial reservation is “ineffective” for internal promotion, since it encourages free shift candidates to use the agent’s opposition as a bridge to the technician’s, and distorts the planning by the Tax Agency of provincial workloads, as demonstrated by several studies and transferred to the AEAT.

“This situation represents a breach of the principles of equality, merit and capacity, by benefiting those who have just joined the Technical Corps over those who have been in the Corps for more years,” he stressed.

Additionally, it has reported other problems without a response from the AEAT, such as the lack of recognition of Treasury technicians and a professional career paralyzed by the poor management of the Human Resources Department and has warned that the entrenchment of these situations could affect the operation. of the administration.