The home caregiver startup, which is celebrating its seventh anniversary and its best start to the year, has increased its turnover by 175% in the last 12 months without the need for financing rounds

Valencia, May 31, 2023.- The home care company, Aiudo, has taken advantage of the celebration of its seventh anniversary to take stock of a last year in which the consolidation and growth of the agency stands out around two fundamental pillars: technological development and a strategy of geographical regionalization. Two elements that have served the Valencian startup to prop up a project far from private capital funds. And it is that the figures during the year 2022 speak for themselves with a growth of 175% compared to the previous year. “We have always wanted to depend on ourselves, position ourselves in sustainability, since growing organically in this sector is very possible”, confesses the CEO of Aiudo, Daniel Ibiza. All this has led them to consolidate themselves in the home care market. with a turnover of more than 2 million euros, with which they have moved a business volume of more than 25 million euros. Technology to choose the best caregiver Technological innovation is the basis on which Aiudo’s financial independence is based. Specifically, from the startup they have implemented artificial intelligence models with which they have managed to “take decision-making to a higher level thanks to obtaining more precise information that has allowed thousands of caregivers to be exhaustively evaluated,” Ibiza acknowledges. In addition to the integration of these AI models, the reinforcement of the entire server structure has been added, which will provide the possibility of “rapidly scaling” the models or resources according to the changing needs of the clients. According to the CEO of Aiudo, “promoting technological innovation and digital transformation implies exploring and adopting emerging technologies and optimizing our internal processes to be able to provide more advanced solutions to our clients”. From the international to the local In this same line, from the home care company, they point to a second strategy in which the regionalization of their actions stands out, after a very positive incursion into the United Kingdom market where they have already managed to match everything billed in 2022 in the first four months of 2023. “The United Kingdom is a market that is as competitive as it is profitable: in 2022 we found the first levers with which to attract recurring users and now we are working on different strategies to improve the cost of acquisition, says the director of international expansion”, Ignacio Guarinos. Along with this, Aiudo has opted for the proximity and location of the national market, opening new offices in Madrid, and Seville, initially, to which delegations have been added in other autonomies such as Galicia (A Coruña), Castilla y León (Valladolid) o Cantabria (Torrelavega). Aiudo celebrates its seventh anniversary The home care startup, Aiudo, which is 7 years old today, was born in Valencia in 2016. Its foundation by a social worker (Daniel Ibiza) originated in the her mother’s cancer experience and the difficulty of finding her a caregiver. Thanks to this, he saw it clearly: the care sector for the elderly and dependent people had to be changed. In 2016, both he and the co-founder and now director of international expansion, Ignacio Guarinos, set up Aiudo with only 3,000 euros. Although they were in a sector full of hopes and needs to improve, the beginnings were not easy. However, as both founders indicate, “it was a wise move to be brave and provide service throughout the national territory”. And it is that what was seen as the utopia of providing service throughout Spain from a single headquarters in Valencia managed to become in its modus operandi with a hyper-personalized selection process for each family. All this was carried out thanks to the development of a technology focused on human resources that “did not exist at that time”, says Ibiza. After a few solo starts and thanks to the help of Juan Roig’s accelerator, Lanzadera, they were able to consolidate its business model and a first team. “As bootstrapping entrepreneurs, we knew we could get more than our competitors with a lot less.” And so they did, 4 years later Aiudo has multiplied its turnover by 12, created its training portals for caregivers and Home Help Service and has consolidated itself in one of the largest markets: The United Kingdom. Issuer: help

ContactContact name: Aiudo PrensaContact telephone: 654536383