(Information sent by the signatory company)

Dide.org has reached an agreement and has become a build partner of Google for Education with the purpose of collaborating on educational technology. The objective of the agreement is to combat school failure through the use of digital technologies that address the main challenges of educational personalization and strengthen the relationship between educators, students and their families.

Under the premise that the teacher is the backbone of improving education, the agreement contemplates the integration of Dide.org’s early identification tool into the Google for Education solutions ecosystem. This prior knowledge of students’ abilities, potential and possible difficulties on the part of educational centers and teachers will support the adequate management of diversity in classrooms, also providing resources to manage the relationship with the student’s family environment, making possible adequate monitoring of the evolution of the educational process through the management of indicators.

To promote and facilitate the use of the minor’s knowledge tool, both entities will develop a complete dissemination and training program aimed at facilitating the use of the technological tool by the teaching community to be able to carry out their work in a more efficient way.

In the opinion of Gonzálo Romero, director of Google for Education in Spain, “we want to be a collaborative agent of change in the fight against school failure, supporting solid initiatives that allow us to support and dignify the work of teachers. Count on Dide.org as Google for Education integrated solutions partner will make this possible in a secure environment – ??the educational centers are the owners of the information – and will allow educational centers, education experts and families to collaborate in a real and effective way to ensure that each boy and girl reach their maximum potential.”

For her part, Elena Betés Novoa, CEO of Dide.org, technology entrepreneur and founder of Rastreator, has expressed her enthusiasm about this collaboration: “we are excited to join forces with Google for Education in this transformative project that will make our vision a reality. vision that each child shines with their own light. It is the ideal platform to develop it, due to security and consistency in data collection and its adaptability to the needs of the school. We understand that knowledge of the minor and accompanying them in their personal discovery is key to develop their full potential with the help of educators and families”.

The challenge of educational personalization

The incorporation of Dide.org to the Google for Education platform will allow for an effective and real response to the need to implement personalized education contemplated in Spanish legislation, both at the state and regional levels. Thus, Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, which modifies Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, establishes the principle of attention to diversity as one of the basic principles of the system Spanish educational. Attention to diversity is defined as “the set of organizational, pedagogical and curricular measures, which aim to facilitate the learning of all students, regardless of their personal, cultural, social or learning characteristics.”

For their part, in line with their respective powers in educational matters, the different Autonomous Communities have carried out different legislative developments regarding personalization and diversity in education, such as Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on the education of Generalitat Valenciana, which establishes the principles of educational equity and inclusion, as a guarantee of equal opportunities for the full development of people through education, Law 10/2022, of April 25, on Education of the Community of Madrid, which establishes that attention to diversity is a fundamental principle of the Madrid educational system, or Law 12/2022, of June 15, on Education in Catalonia, which establishes that inclusive education is a right of all students and students, regardless of their personal, cultural or social characteristics.

Sobre Google y Google for Education

Around the world, more than 170 million students and educators use Google Workspace for Education in Education to create, collaborate, and communicate. Google Workspace for Education services comply with international privacy and security requirements (they are certified by the National Security Scheme -ENS- in the High category) and are audited by independent organizations to ensure that data protection practices comply with the highest standards.

To help educators with the challenge of distance education, Google for Education has materials and resources, where teachers can find tactics and best practices with technology to achieve optimal interaction in the teaching and learning processes with their students. We also offer webinars in Spanish focused on educators, parents and students, with the presence of experts in the area.

About Dide.org

dide.org is the Edtech company that has developed an educational inclusion tool with a presence in 8 countries in Europe and Latin America. Currently, this tool is being applied by families, educators and guidance offices, monitoring the evolution of more than 25,000 children in early childhood, primary and secondary education.

The tool is based on a simple questionnaire, based on 35 indicators that reflect the potential and risks of the minor’s educational success, which is completed by people around the minor. These markers are structured in the areas of Learning, Development, Social, Behavioral and Emotional. Dide offers users different personalized reports that help minors in their self-knowledge and early detection.

Dide has the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, through the Program for Educational Orientation, Advancement and Enrichment (PROA), with the seal of Excellence of the European Union within the Horizon 2020 Framework Program and with the support of university entities and institutions. on an international level. Dide’s management makes it possible to achieve 11 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) planned by the UN in terms of inclusive education.