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Like the billionaire, Flávio Figueiredo Assis sold a company in the financial sector to invest in his own car manufacturer, LECAR.

SÃO PAULO, January 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Entrepreneur Flávio Figueiredo Assis promises to make history with the launch of the first originally Brazilian electric car. More than contributing to changing the energy matrix and positively impacting the environment, his mission is to change Brazil’s image before the world. His inspiration is billionaire Elon Musk, who has a story similar to that of the entrepreneur.

Graduated in Law and Accounting, Assis is the founder of Lecard, a food card administrator that achieved an annual turnover of one billion dollars, supplying public organizations and private companies. In 2022 he sold the company with the intention of creating Brazil’s first electric car manufacturer, LECAR. The company’s mission is to redefine Brazil’s presence on the global automotive scene through non-polluting vehicles that meet the demands of authorities and consumers.

Currently, the team has 30 engineers, many of them with significant experience in companies such as Ford, Toyota and Nissan. The factory is being installed in the southern region of the country, with 65% of the parts being national and 35% imported. The LECAR 459, the company’s first vehicle, will have batteries from the Winston Battery company, which also supplies Volkswagen and Hyundai. The consumer price will be US$55,000, with a range of 400 kilometers per charge. The company also plans to launch a popularly priced urban version, the LECAR POP, with an estimated price of $20,000, 250 kilometers per charge and capacity for five passengers.

The capital is 100% owned, but the expectation is to carry out an initial public offering (IPO) in 2025. The planned investment is 3,000 million dollars. “In addition to a project that favors mobility and sustainability, our objective is to create a perception of value for Brazil, as we should always be perceived. We are the ninth economy in the world, passionate about cars and Formula 1. We have Ayrton Senna “, Nelson Piquet and Emerson Fittipaldi, F1 champions, as our idols, and yet we never had a national car manufacturer. Let’s change the course of history,” he said.

Before this happens, the car will travel to London, England, where it will go through a series of approvals at LATIN NCAP, with impact, aerodynamics and safety simulator evaluations. The expectation is that the first vehicles will be manufactured in December of this year. In 2025, the goal is to produce 300 vehicles per month, with revenues of $200 million.

In five years, LECAR aims to produce 50,000 cars a year, with revenues of $15 billion. The company also intends to create a subscription plan, changing the culture of ownership to one of access and sharing, which are the most sustainable ways of using the car. The basic subscription for the 36-month leasing plan will be offered for approximately 3% of the sales price for a monthly mileage of 1,000 km.

Another fundamental initiative is related to charging infrastructure. The company intends to install fast charging stations on the 10 largest highways in Brazil, with a total of 36,437km. With this plan, any electric vehicle will be able to circulate throughout the country. The stations will be strategically located every 200 kilometers, allowing drivers to recharge their cars quickly, comfortably and safely.

In addition to operating throughout the national territory, the businessman plans to internationalize his automobile manufacturer, especially to the United States, France, Italy and Monaco. “We are already preparing a series of partnerships in these countries to take our brand to the world.”

In addition, LECAR plans to create a battery cell factory, which will enable self-sufficiency in automobile production. “We have 97% of the minerals that make up battery cells in our country. In addition to being self-sufficient, we can also become protagonists and a great reference in the global electric vehicle market, supplying cars to other countries. We are committed to make all this a reality,” the businessman proudly stated. Those interested can follow the brand’s news on social networks @lecarbrasil.

About Lecar: www.lecar.com.br

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/conocido-como-el-brasileno-elon-musk-el-emprendedor-crea-el-fabricante-de-coches-electricos-en-brasil-302040915.html