Madrid, October 30, 2023.

Ibiza has kicked off the fourth edition in Spain of the Nationale-Nederlanden Plogging Tour, a pioneering event, which has become a party uniting sport, environment and solidarity, where attendees participate in various sporting activities. . More than 22,000 people, of all ages and levels of physical condition, and 200 entities, have already joined this community, which has become a benchmark in the world for sports and nature lovers.

The one in Ibiza, where more than 1,100 kilos of waste have been recovered thanks to citizen participation, was the last event this year of the national circuit Nationale-Nederlanden Plogging Tour, which has already held 30 events in Spain, highlighting, together with the Higher Sports Council (CSD), and with the support of regional governments such as the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Galicia or Euskadi, and City Councils such as Madrid, Barcelona, ??Málaga, Valencia, A Coruña, Bilbao and Eiviisa, the unique potential of sport to build a new tourism model, combat sedentary lifestyle, achieve cohesive territories and make society feel like a member of an active and healthy community. Nationale-Nederlanden Plogging Tour, which has been recognized during this year 2023 with the Fitur Next Award, among more than 250 initiatives from around the world, and with the El Corredor Award, has the collaboration of the insurance company Nationale-Nederlanden which, as main sponsor, ratifies its commitment to the well-being of people and the care of the planet, Ibiza and the Tourism Strategy Agency of the Balearic Islands (AETIB); as well as with Decathlon, an entity that celebrates 10 years of Environmental Volunteering with the commitment to protect biodiversity, the Ecolatras community of Ecovidrio, and Garmin as the official watch. A pioneering initiative in the world, which was born in Ibiza since 2019. , where this community was born in Ibiza, more than 53,000 kilos of waste have been recovered during the practice of different sports such as running, hiking, kayaking, cycling or canoeing. thanks to the participation of more than 22,000 citizens and hundreds of entities and companies that form the Nationale-Nederlanden Plogging Tour community in Spain. Under the motto ‘Do Sport for the Planet’, thousands of ploggers have participated in the circuits that have been prepared for the occasion in each city. Entire families, groups of friends, companies, educational centers and popular athletes have run or walked routes of between 2, 5.6 and 11 kilometers, depending on the chosen modality, collecting the waste that they found along the way. All proceeds The sale of the numbers goes to social solidarity purposes to benefit entities such as Action Against Hunger, Food Bank, Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche and APNEEF (Association of People with Special Needs of Eivissa and Formentera).Plogging Campus Likewise, During all the days in each city, it was possible to enjoy a complete program of activities for children and adults in the Plogging Campus area. Fitness and Zumba classes, art workshops, reuse and recycling with textile, plastic and cardboard waste, a space to discover local biodiversity through Virtual Reality technology, exhibition of sculptures made with “waste”, gymkhana and collaborative games for the little ones and a sports court where various exhibitions and masterclasses in Nordic walking, fencing, quadball and badminton take place, which have generated great expectations among the public attending the conferences in the different cities.

Contact Contact name: María D. Contact description: Plogging Tour Contact phone: 34692043145