Girona, May 25, 2023.

The exonerated is a single mother who did not receive any type of pension from her father either.

The Mercantile Court No. 11 of Barcelona (Catalonia) has issued the Dissatisfied Liabilities Exemption Benefit (BEPI) in the case of a woman from Girona (Catalonia), being exonerated from a debt of 17,000 euros. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, the leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENT As the lawyers for Repara tu Debt explain, “she is a single mother and her father did not give her a pension, so she could not meet all the daily payments of life and she became a ball. In addition, to be able to get out of driver’s license, he had to use his credit card. He found out about this law through some acquaintances who told him about it.” The Second Chance Law came into force in Spain in 2015. As time has passed, more people have become aware of its existence as a fundamental tool to cancel the debts they have contracted and which they cannot afford. More than 20,000 individuals and the self-employed have put their case in the hands of the firm to reactivate themselves in the economy and start from scratch. One of the keys to canceling debts is to put yourself in the hands of a professional and specialized law firm. In this sense, it should be noted that the law firm makes the judgments of real cases in which they have participated available to any interested party. In this way, it offers guarantees of success to those who are analyzing whether or not to start the process. Bertín Osborne, image of Repara tu Deuda Abogados, collaborates with the law firm to help disseminate this legislation. “This is a tool -declared the lawyers- that helps all kinds of people who are in a situation of insolvency and need to eliminate their debts to get out of the hole in which they live. For this reason, it is very important to have familiar faces who help us in this task”. The law firm has managed to exceed the figure of 140 million euros exonerated to its clients, who come from the different autonomous communities of Spain. People who cannot take advantage of this mechanism are also offered a study of possible abusive clauses in their contracts and the subsequent cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: David Guerrero Contact telephone number: 655956735