HONG KONG, Nov. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Shaw Prize celebrated its 20th anniversary with a grand ceremony at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on November 12. The event brought together over 30 Shaw Laureates and was attended by over 600 guests from various sectors including government, the political community, the business community and the education sector.

Dr Raymond Chan, Chairman of the Shaw Prize Foundation, warmly welcomed the awardees and guests in his opening address. He paid tribute to the notable contributions of the late Run Run Shaw, founder of the Shaw Prize, and Mona Shaw, to the artistic, cultural and educational development of Hong Kong and mainland China. Dr Chan reiterated that the mission of the Shaw Prize is to celebrate scientific achievements that transcend geographical boundaries and expressed the hope that the prize will contribute to making the world a better place.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of awards to the 2023 Shaw Laureates, including Professors Matthew Bailes, Duncan Lorimer and Maura McLaughlin in Astronomy; Professors Patrick Cramer and Eva Nogales in Life Sciences and Medicine; and Professors Vladimir Drinfeld and Shing-Tung Yau in Mathematical Sciences, by Professor Reinhard Genzel, President of the Board of Judges. The 2020-2022 laureates, who had previously received their certificates remotely due to the pandemic, were also invited to the stage and finally received their long-awaited gold medals.

On November 13, three Shaw Prize lectures were held at local universities in Hong Kong, including the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Seven 2023 winners had the opportunity to share their innovative research with Hong Kong students, bringing cutting-edge science to the local community. In addition, the Shaw Prize and the Hong Kong Science Museum collaborated to organize a special exhibition featuring the outstanding contributions of the 2023 laureates and providing accessible scientific knowledge from their respective fields of interest. The exhibition will be open until January 2024.

About the Shaw Prize

The Shaw Prize is an international prize consisting of three annual prizes: Astronomy, Life Sciences and Medicine, and Mathematical Sciences, each of which awards a monetary prize of $1.2 million.

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