Malaga, October 27, 2023. While it is true that there are some clinics that claim the honor of having introduced Oncothermia vs. Nanothermia, in Spain, is the oncology clinic Cellumed Clinic, in the province of Malaga, which defines itself as a pioneer of this revolutionary technique in Spain, exactly in 2012.

Thanks to the work of its oncologists and being the central Oncotherm Delegation in Spain, it not only boasts of having introduced the treatment in the country, obtaining authorization from the health authorities, but has also been responsible for the expansion in Spanish territory. both in private clinics and in the Valdecilla Public Hospital in Cantabria and the coordination of the training of professionals who today use this technique, which is why it was awarded the National Oncology Award.

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality today. In many cases, conventional treatments are not enough, which is why Cellumed Clinic highlights that the support of new technologies is necessary that, thanks to their effectiveness, help combat this serious disease, as is the case with this novel therapy that is providing an important advance in oncological treatments.

It is a therapy based on non-invasive “Nanothermia”, since it does not have any side effects. Through the use of electromodulated energy, the therapy is focused, generating not only chemical reactions, but also thermal ones, which cause the natural death of tumor cells (apoptosis) without damaging healthy cells and without causing side effects.

According to the Cellumed Clinic team in Malaga, these devices only exist in this clinic. Thanks to its strategic location in Marbella, they receive many patients not only from Malaga, but from all over Spain.

Dr. Álvaro Flores, head of the Oncology Unit at Cellumed Clinic, states that the difference and peculiarity of Oncothermia / Nanothermia with respect to other hyperthermias is that this is a selective and much more effective treatment.

This technology makes it doubly effective, even for patients treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, who will achieve a better result. Its “immunotherapeutic” effect helps stop and avoid possible metastases, helping the patient while being treated to increase their defenses and quality of life.

This is an affordable treatment for patients and can be available to everyone, however, given that it is a scientifically based therapy, approved by the health authorities and the Collegiate Medical Organization of Spain, it is expected that in the future may be available in more public hospitals.

The Cellumed Clinic Oncology Unit is connected and works in collaboration with the largest network of oncology centers in Andalusia to combine Oncothermia with other conventional therapies, both in Malaga, Marbella, Benalmádena, Cádiz, Jerez, Algeciras-Campo de Gibraltar, Seville , Córdoba, Granada or Almería, among others.


Contact name: Cellumed clinic

Contact description: Oncology Unit, Cellumed Clinic

Contact telephone number: 615929677