Ten times higher than the average interest on Spanish bank deposits

Barcelona, ??March 30, 2023.- The inbestMe savings account, made up of a portfolio of monetary funds, benefits from a new rise in interest rates by central banks, announced in mid-March. The expected variable APR (net of costs) has risen to 2.40% in euros and 4.30% in dollars, from 1.05% and 3.40% initially at the time of its launch in November last year and after the two successive rate hikes passed on during the first quarter of the year. In this way, the inbestMe savings account, due to the balance between profitability and zero volatility, reveals itself as an efficient and safe alternative to optimize short-term savings with total flexibility, starting with a minimum investment of 1,000 euros. As it is made up of monetary funds from the best international managers, any increase in interest rates has an automatic impact, accumulating its profitability on a daily basis. In addition, these are transferable and benefit from tax deferral since, as it is an accumulation portfolio, taxes are not paid until the capital is withdrawn. The new inbestMe savings account competes with an advantage over traditional bank deposits, with a profitability up to 10 times higher than the average in Spain. But, unlike these, it does not have permanence terms, since the client can have his money without penalties whenever he needs it and, although it is aimed at optimizing short-term savings, with a horizon of one to three years, its actual term is unlimited. “And all this, without fine print or the requirement to contract other products. In addition, the risk is implicitly diversified among more than 400 positions, an especially decisive factor given the current uncertainty in the markets caused by banking instability”, says the CEO of inbestMe, Jordi Mercader. The last month has been marked by high volatility in the financial markets, for which reason the Investment Committee of inbestMe insists on its recommendation to maintain a well-diversified portfolio capable of facing the different financial situations to which that the average saver must face throughout his life. “In the event of any unforeseen event, it is advisable to have an account that is easy to liquidate, without penalties or deadlines, and that is not exposed to market volatility. And our Savings Account constitutes an ideal emergency fund (or security cushion) for our finances, which will allow us to face fluctuations in the markets and our particular needs at all times”, adds Mercader. The robo advisor with the greatest customization on the market and leader in sustainable indexed investment, completes with this savings account its offer of automated investment portfolios based on innovation, which guarantees coverage of the entire financial cycle of the average saver/investor.About inbestMe, the most personalized robo advisor in the national market and a leader in sustainability inbestMe is a securities agency supervised by the CNMV that manages investment portfolios using index (or passive) management, technology known as robo advisor. Its highly diversified and automated portfolios show a very attractive behavior in the return/risk binomial, systematically exceeding the average APR of traditional investment funds by almost 4 percentage points. Based in Barcelona, ??it has established itself as the most personalized robo advisor of the market and the ability to respond to the entire financial cycle of the investor, with up to 11 profiles and 100 efficient low-cost portfolios, among which you can choose different plans: ETFs, index funds, pension plans, ISR thematic portfolios (Investment Socially Responsible) or Value, and in both euros and dollars, depending on the plan. It was a pioneer in the sustainable modality, being currently the leader, with 40% of its offer. All this, through a fully digitized and simple operation, through its website www. inbestme.com or in its APP.ContactContact name: Press inbestMeContact telephone: 931 575 633

Issuer: inbestMe