Talgo shares rose almost 3% this Friday on the stock market around 9:30 a.m. after Magyar Vagon registered this Thursday – with the market already closed – the request before the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) to acquire the Spanish company for 619 million euros, asking the Government for express authorization of this operation.

Thus, Talgo rose 2.73% in the Continuous Market, with its shares at 4.515 euros, although minutes later it moderated its momentum to 1.25%, until exchanging its shares at 4.45 euros.

This Thursday, Magyar Vagon registered the request with the National Securities Markets Commission (CNMV) to acquire Talgo for 619 million euros, asking the Government for express authorization of this operation.

As reported by the Hungarian company to the supervisor, on March 22 it requested authorization from the Council of Ministers to the General Directorate of International Trade and Investment of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism for foreign direct investment in Talgo.

The authorization of the Government is an essential requirement to continue with the operation, in application of the anti-takeover shield that it approved due to Covid-19, as well as by Law 19/2003 on the legal regime of capital movements and economic transactions. with the outside.

For the moment, the Executive has been reluctant to give the ‘green light’ to the takeover of a strategic Spanish company by Hungarian investors, arguing possible Russian and far-right links.

Magyar Vagon has also requested the respective competition law authorizations from the European Commission and from the competition authorities of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well as the Danish Business Authority.

The Hungarians thus comply with the maximum period of 30 days marked from the formal presentation to the CNMV of the Public Acquisition Offer (OPA), which ended next Sunday, April 7.

Magyar Vagon defended its operation by alleging that the price of 5 euros per share offered represented a premium of 41.4% compared to the average price of Talgo during the six months prior to the presentation of the offer.

For his part, the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business, Carlos Body, has announced that the Government will defend the “strategic interests” of Spain in the takeover bid that the Hungarian group Magyar Vagon has launched for Talgo for 619 million and that the Executive has already is analyzing.