The economist Ramon Tamames, candidate for Vox’s motion of no confidence that will be debated next week in Congress, has stated that the version of his speech that has been leaked, published by ‘’, is “outdated”, but It does not anticipate that there will be alterations, although it can add “developments of very important issues”.

At a press conference in Congress, he did not show excessive concern about the fact that his speech was brought forward and, paraphrasing Pío Baroja, he commented that this would give others time to read it and be “more prepared” to “better understand” your message.

In any case, he has made it clear that he has been preparing successive versions of his speech as he thinks about the issues to be discussed and that there are “many new features” in the final draft than in the one that has been published, including “some initiatives” that , in his opinion, “may be attractive to a number of sectors of the Spanish population.”