The subsidized flexible weekly working hours also come into force, for which 330 applications have been accepted


This Monday, Telefónica began the pilot test for the relocation of employees, that is, so that the personnel who are assigned to a certain work center can develop it in another province of their choice, a program for which the company has accepted 211 of the 711 requests made by the workers, according to the preliminary figures managed by CCOO.

“One of its main characteristics is that it breaks with the traditional workplace paradigm, evolving from a concept associated with a physical, specific and immovable space, to a dynamic remote workplace, in the place chosen by the worker. and outside the province of the work center to which it is assigned”, details the third collective agreement of related companies (CEV) of Telefónica for the period 2024-2026.

The trials will last until December 31 of this year and the workers had the first weeks of March to submit their application.

The requests were approved by each affected management once the profiles of the people who requested to participate in the program were analyzed.

Furthermore, the agreement specifies that since it is a pilot, a limit of 2% is established on the total workforce of each basic management, although it excludes personnel “outside the agreement, SmartWork not susceptible to relocation, as well as those whose activity is considered not teleworking, and this percentage cannot be exceeded under any circumstances.

However, CCOO has demanded that the requests made for the granting of the “maximum possible number of requests” per address be continued to be analyzed.

Among the conditions to be able to enroll in the pilot program, it was indicated that the worker must have assigned activities or projects that can be carried out “in their entirety 100% remotely”, without being required “at any time” to be present in the work center to which you are assigned.

On the other hand, and although presence at the work center of origin to which the employee is assigned “will not be structured”, the relocating staff will have to “go as soon as possible” and at “any time” to the work center of origin when their presence is required “at the discretion of the command”, although such visits “must be reasonable”.

“Likewise, to maintain the link with the team, managers, colleagues, a monthly visit at least is required. In no case will expenses be incurred by the company for any travel they must make,” the document adds.

The company will study the operation of the pilot test and based on the results obtained will decide whether or not to include this modality. The objectives of this essay are to modernize the work environment in the company and retain talent by promoting this type of mobility.

“It is worth remembering that given the insistence of CCOO on collective bargaining, the interprovincial relocation pilot starts with the premise that once the relocation concession period has ended, there would be the possibility of consolidating residence. This is a way to enhance all the provinces of the State, meet the expectations of the workforce and retain talent in the company,” CCOO highlighted.

On the other hand, this Monday the flexible weekly working hours with bonuses, also included in the agreement, also came into force at Telefónica.

“This agreement incorporates the possibility that workers can voluntarily request an extension of the weekend, making the weekly working hours more flexible and concentrating work activity from Monday to Thursday, and in which the company will receive a 30% bonus. the salary reduction to be made for the time not worked. This bonus percentage will contribute to social security for all purposes,” the agreement details.

“With the agreement of this measure, we want to be able to move towards a culture focused on the performance and results of the activity, the rationalization of schedules, adopting the decisions that are necessary to further favor and modernize the new work environments,” Add.

Regarding this, CCOO has recalled that a new application period for this modality opened in March and that a total of 385 requests have been received, which correspond to approximately 2.8% of the workforce.

Of them, 366 correspond to employees within the agreement and 19 to workers outside the agreement. “The total number of requests that have been granted (330) represents 86% of those presented, this figure represents 54% more than in the last process and practically doubles in percentage terms the impact of the measure on the total workforce,” he said. explained CCOO.

He has also indicated that he considers this type of subsidized flexible week “very positive” since, in his opinion, it increases the range of possibilities for work flexibility and personal, family and professional conciliation.

However, the union has expressed the opinion that the negative resolutions to the enjoyment of this day should be analyzed to try to accommodate the maximum number of requests.

“CCOO wants to emphasize the Front B2B unit, where all applications have been denied. An in-depth analysis of the situation must be carried out and carefully study the situations of those people who have requested it and generate the criteria for a greater number possible acceptance. Likewise, an analysis should be made of the large number of requests received. The union understands that they are due to the tasks entrusted and their organization, which generate excessive workload in this unit,” he added in a statement.