Spain occupies the seventeenth position in the ranking of teleworking in the European Union, with 8% of people who work telematically on a regular basis, a figure that is below the 10% average for the continent and is far from the top positions. from the list, according to Eurostat data provided by Infojobs coinciding with teleworking day.

This figure of 8% is far from the records of the countries that lead the list. Ireland is ranked first, where one in four people regularly works from home. Next are Finland (23%), Sweden (18%) and the Netherlands (18%). On the other side of the coin are Romania, with 1%, Bulgaria, with 2% and Hungary and Greece, both with 3%.

According to data from the Active Population Survey (EPA) prepared by the INE, in the second quarter of 2023, 7.3% of employed people in Spain carried out their professional activity from home more than half of the days they job. In absolute terms there are a total of 1,527,800 people teleworking. A figure to which we must also add 6.6% who claim to have teleworked occasionally (1,381,200 people).

However, Infojobs indicates that if 100% remote work and the rest of the hybrid formats are taken into account, teleworking in Spain increases to 22% of workers. Likewise, it points out that one in every five vacancies registered on its platform this year offers the possibility of teleworking. Of the almost 1.7 million offers published on Infojobs so far this year, 308,382 include some teleworking option. Of course, the figure has been reduced by 15.5% compared to the previous year.

Regarding the profile of people who telework, they are between 25 and 44 years old, they are residents of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, with a university education and more than 2,500 euros net monthly income. For its part, almost half of the 20 positions that top the ranking of vacancies with remote work belong to computing and telecommunications.