CAF, Ferrovial, Thales España and Sacyr, among the main winners of the works and services


The 100 largest recipients of ‘Next Generation EU’ European funds in Spain bring together an investment of more than 5,100 million euros, which represents close to 14% of the 37,000 million euros received from the European Union for the fulfillment of milestones and goals.

This is evident from the list of the 100 largest final recipients of the ‘Next Generation EU’ European funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan in Spain, sent by the Government to the European Commission.

According to data provided by the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, there are already more than 500,000 projects financed with these funds in Spain, with an investment of 30,000 million euros in calls for aid and resolved tenders.

Forty private companies are on the list of the 100 largest recipients of funds, extracted from the comprehensive system for monitoring and managing the milestones and objectives of the Plan (CoFFEE).

Among the most popular are Mercedes-Benz Spain (55 million), Seat (3.4 million), Volkswagen Navarra (5.8 million), Baleària Eurolíneas Marítimas (12 million), Renault España (11 million), Técnicas Reunidas (1 .5 million), Globalia Handling (6.5 million), Stellantis (29 million), VTG (37.5 million), QEV Techologies (22.2 million), Faurecia (8.3 million) and Gestamp Bizkaia (5. 4 millions).

In the field of sustainable mobility, the State’s investment of nearly 2.5 billion allocated to ADIF for the modernization of conventional and high-speed railway infrastructure stands out.

In addition, the funds received by beneficiary companies of the strategic project of the Electric and Connected Vehicle (PERTE VEC) for the modernization of the value chain of the automotive sector stand out, such as Seat, Stellantis, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Power Holdco Spain – -the latter has received 97.5 million–.

And those of the 30 city councils, which have received 423 million euros aimed primarily at generating low-emission zones in the urban area, developing local and proximity commerce, recovering green areas and promoting digitalization, among other investments.

The Madrid City Council is the local corporation that has received the most European funds, with more than 65 million euros. They are followed by the city councils of Zaragoza, Alicante, Valladolid, Murcia, Bilbao, Vigo and Málaga, together with the public transport management company in the metropolitan area of ??Barcelona.

The Autonomous Communities do not appear on the list, which have together received nearly 24.5 billion euros of European funds for investment management within their sphere of competence.

In the digital field, there are investments close to 500 million euros, aimed at reinforcing cybersecurity, improving digitalization and promoting SMEs, connectivity, modernizing public administrations and strengthening the digital industry.

This segment includes, the National Cybersecurity Institute-INCIBE, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in its support for the digitalization of SMEs, which are the management entities of the main programs, among which the of the Digital Kit, AceleraPYME and those to promote talent and investments in cybersecurity.

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación, with an allocation of nearly 25 million euros, constitutes a clear example of the weight of investments in science, innovation and new technologies, such as quantum technologies.

Also included are the Basque Government’s computer society and the Andalusian Society for the Development of Telecommunications (SANDETEL).

The list of the 50 main companies awarded tenders for public works and services has also been published, extracted from the comprehensive system for monitoring and managing the milestones and objectives of the Plan (CoFFEE).

In this list, made up of the 50 companies that have won tenders, the public works companies in railway infrastructure, public transport companies that are carrying out the incorporation of electric vehicles and digitalization entities stand out.

Specifically, the list of the main companies awarded and beneficiaries of subsidies is headed by the temporary joint ventures (UTEs) of Totana (152 million euros) and CAF (134 million euros), followed by Ferrovial Construction (125 million euros). and the technological solutions group Thales Spain (119.7 million euros).

They are followed by the UTE Canal de Acceso (105 million euros) and Sacyr-Cavosa-Taboada y Ramos (102 million euros) or the automotive group Irizar (83.6 million euros).

According to the information reported by Economía, to date, Spain has received transfers from the EU worth 37,000 million euros after meeting 121 milestones and objectives. The Public Treasury has disbursed more than 36.2 billion euros, with data up to October 20.

The different public administrations have called for aid programs and tenders for works for more than 48,000 million euros and the main programs have been launched at the national and regional level. Calls for aid and tenders for works or services for 30,000 million euros have already been resolved, as well as budgetary commitments signed with the final beneficiaries or awardees that reflect the execution on the ground of investments with Next Generation EU European funds.

On October 17, the Ministers of Economy and Finance of the European Union (Ecofin) definitively approved the Addendum to the Spanish Recovery Plan, launching the second phase of it, which will allow the strong pace of investment to be maintained in the 2023 period. -2026, mobilizing 10.3 billion euros in additional transfers and up to 83.2 billion euros in loans. The Government is currently working on the request for the fourth disbursement of 10,000 million euros.