The resident of La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) F.J.M.P., 46 years old and one of the three detained in the second round of arrests carried out by the Civil Guard for the death of two agents of said armed institute in Barbate, when run over by a drug boat while participating in an operation against drug trafficking in the port of said municipality, would have been the person at the controls of the aforementioned boat, with a previous record of resistance to authority, disobedience and money laundering.

Specifically, and as reported by Civil Guard sources, the last three detained for the aforementioned events are this 46-year-old resident of La Línea identified as F.J.M.P., with a history of resistance, disobedience and money laundering and who allegedly had piloted the narco-lanca; J.I.A.B., 39 years old, with no record but numerous infractions, almost all for consumption of narcotic substances; and M.C., 25 years old, with no criminal record.

For these events, five people were first arrested, three of them crew members of the boat and the remaining two alleged henchmen who were going to pick them up in a vehicle in Sotogrande after the boat had run aground on the beach of La Alcaidesa, in La Línea de la Conception.

According to the Civil Guard, the first three crew members of the aforementioned drug boat arrested are 21, 24 and 28 years old. All of them are Spanish, with a history of drug trafficking, attacks on an authority agent, injuries, crimes against property and money laundering; now facing two alleged crimes of homicide and serious injuries to law enforcement agents.

The other two arrested from the first batch of detainees, who were going to pick up the crew of the boat, are 34 and 54 years old and are also Spanish, with a history of drug trafficking and smuggling, facing alleged cover-up crimes due to these new facts. and serious resistance to authority.

All of them were admitted to the cells of the Civil Guard of Algeciras, with plans to be transferred to the Cádiz Command, while the proceedings are being instructed by the mixed Court number one of Barbate.

Subsequently, the authorities reported the arrest of the other three crew members of the boat mentioned at the beginning of these lines, who had fled on foot through the countryside after having run aground on the boat, bringing the total number of detainees to eight.

One of the deceased agents was from the Cadiz municipality of San Fernando and belonged to the Group of Underwater Activities Specialists (GEAS). He was 39 years old, had a partner and a daughter. The second dead agent belonged to the Rapid Action Group (GAR), he was 43 years old, born in Barcelona and had a wife and two children.

Furthermore, as a result of the attack by the drug boat on the boat in which the agents were sailing, two other civil guards have been injured, one seriously and the other slightly. The first of them is hospitalized, but his life is not in danger.