ERC and Junts maintain their amendments, also the inclusion of terrorism crimes, but the PSOE already sees the text as sufficiently reinforced

The presentation of the Justice Commission of Congress that processes the proposed Amnesty Law has incorporated into the text this Thursday the eight amendments that the PSOE had registered together with Sumar, ERC and BNG, and has done so with the support of Junts.

As reported by parliamentary sources, the other amendments presented to this initiative, including the unilateral proposals of Junts and ERC, will remain alive to be discussed again next Tuesday, when the Justice Commission meets in public session to continue the processing. .

At this Thursday’s meeting, behind closed doors, all the amendments signed by PSOE, Sumar, ERC, Bildu and the BNG have already been approved. Junts, which has its own package of amendments, has supported all of them, as has Podemos, representative of the Mixed Group in the presentation.

Only the PP and Vox have voted against and have taken advantage of this closed-door meeting to insist that the rule is unconstitutional, using the report that the two lawyers from the Justice Commission have drawn up on it.

Specifically, the joint amendment has been introduced that keeps terrorist acts for which a final sentence has been passed outside of the amnesty. Among others, it bears the signature of ERC and contradicts another one presented by this formation that asks just the opposite, that these acts also be amnestied. The one that excludes crimes against the International Community such as “genocide” from the amnesty has also been incorporated.

Junts also has an amendment to amnesty terrorist crimes even if they have been tried and, like the rest of its amendments, it keeps it alive for the commission.

The deputy Josep María Cervera has explained that they will continue negotiating with the PSOE in the hope that their contributions will finally be accepted and has made it clear that they will not leave the table because their objective is to be able to “shield” the law so that it reaches all people who they consider should be amnestied and for it to be immediately applicable as soon as it comes into force.

From the PSOE, its spokesperson, Patxi López, has guaranteed that the avenue of dialogue will continue to be open, but has stressed that, for the socialists, the law is already “well armed and well reinforced” with the amendments approved this Thursday.

In the presentation, ERC and Bildu have abstained from one of the amendments that they themselves had agreed upon with the PSOE, Sumar and the BNG. However, the amendment has passed, only by one vote, thanks to the support of socialists, Sumar and Junts.

With it, the initial wording of the bill is retouched to make it clear that, when it comes into force, it will be “the judicial body that, at any given time, is hearing the case” that will apply the rule and to which the ” “immediate lifting of the precautionary measures that had been adopted with respect to actions or omissions granted amnesty in relation to the persons benefited by the amnesty.”

Furthermore, it is specified that this will mean the end of the execution of the “main or accessory” penalties imposed for those actions or omissions that have been amnestied. “In any case, the aforementioned precautionary measures will be lifted even when an appeal or question of unconstitutionality against this law or any of its provisions is raised,” the text reads.

Likewise, another amendment from the PSOE and its partners has been introduced in the presentation report, which was identical to one of those registered by Junts and which establishes that “the lifting of any precautionary measures, including search and capture orders and entry into prison, as well as the arrest warrants, will correspond to the judicial body that, at any given time, is hearing the case.”

In the opinion of Carles Puigdemont’s party, this modification “is necessary for the purpose of the Law, which is none other than to address, in the interest of the general interest and within the framework of the Rule of Law, the exceptional political circumstances of the so-called independence process.” “This purpose,” Junts said, “requires effective and immediate application of the law by the judicial body that is hearing the case at the time of its entry into force.”