The General Secretary of the Popular Party, Cuca Gamarra, has affirmed this Monday, May 1, International Workers’ Day, that the policies applied by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, are harming wage-earners and the self-employed. “The best guarantee for employment is that Pedro Sánchez loses his”, she has proclaimed.

Gamarra spoke in these terms at a ceremony in Gijón, where he closed, together with the PP candidate for the Presidency of the Principality of Asturias, Diego Canga, the presentation ceremony for the 78 municipal candidates of Asturias.

Faced with socialist policies and ‘sanchismo’, Gamarra has insisted that the PP is the party “of job creation” and of all those who “when they fall they stand up and try again”.

Gamarra has criticized the fact that there were government ministers on Monday demonstrating alongside the unions. It is the current Government of Spain, he has lamented, which is “benefiting from inflation and impoverishing the Spanish by raising taxes.”

“Workers who have less purchasing power are paying more taxes and those taxes are not determined by employers, taxes are approved by the Government of Spain,” he said, referring to the fact that the State collects more thanks to that inflation.

For this reason, Gamarra has said that the PP’s priority is all those Spaniards who are currently “suffocated” by inflation and who cannot make ends meet. Gamarra has promised to lower taxes whenever possible to achieve economic reactivation and so that employment can be created.

Gamarra has also charged against the housing policy of the Sánchez Government or the “late” approval and rectification of the ‘only yes is yes’ law.

Regarding housing policies, Gamarra has said that the PP will give instruments to the city councils, the autonomous communities and the municipalities so that the Police and the judges can remove in 24 hours “anyone who has gotten into your house”. .

“We Spaniards can’t stand ‘sanchismo’ any longer,” insisted the general secretary of the PP, who has said that Pedro Sánchez is the politically responsible for a law that has served to reduce sentences or release sexual offenders. “They knew what was going to happen, we had told them; they did not want to rectify until Spanish society made it clear to Pedro Sánchez that he was going to take its toll on the polls,” she lamented.

In his speech, Gamarra took the opportunity to thank Diego Canga for having taken the step of running as a PP candidate in Asturias, abandoning a “comfortable life” in Brussels to “devote himself to his region.”

Gamarra recalled in his speech in Asturias that the birth of “the worst policies of ‘sanchismo'” is also in that autonomous community, alluding to the former deputy general secretary of the PSOE, the deputy for Asturias Adriana Lastra.

Gamarra has said that it was Lastra who negotiated so that today Bildu or Esquerra Republicana “decide what are the policies that we Spaniards have.” Gamarra hopes that nobody forgets what he did. “They know him very well in this region,” he added.

Finally, the leader of the PP has indicated the need for the socialist Adrián Barbón to stop being president of the Principality. “If in Asturias there are 600 fewer companies and 3,000 less self-employed than four years ago, Barbón will have something to do with it,” she said. She has also promised that the PP will solve everything that has to do with breaches in relation to infrastructure in the Principality.