The Official State Gazette (BOE) publishes this Wednesday the V Agreement for Employment and Collective Bargaining (AENC) that CCOO, UGT, CEOE and Cepyme signed on May 10 and in which it is recommended to negotiators of collective agreements a global salary increase of 10% between 2023 and 2025.

Unions and employers declare in this agreement their intention to carry out in those three years “a salary policy that simultaneously contributes to the economic revival, job creation and improvement of the competitiveness of Spanish companies”.

Thus, the parties recommend salary increases of 4% in 2023 and 3% for both 2024 and 2025, with a salary review clause that, in the event of a deviation from inflation, could imply additional increases of up to 1% for each one of the years of the agreement (2023-2025), which would be applied at the beginning of the following financial year.

Thus, if at the end of this year, the interannual CPI for December 2023 were higher than the 4% recommended wage increase, a maximum additional increase of 1% will be applied with effect from January 1, 2024.

In the case of 2024 and 2025, for which a 3% salary increase is recommended, the safeguard clause with that additional 1% will be activated when the interannual CPI for December exceeds 3% and will be applied to the following year, that is , on January 1, 2025, and January 1, 2026, respectively.

In any case, the agreement, which consists of 32 pages, specifies that the negotiators of collective agreements must take into account the specific circumstances of their field to set the salary conditions.

The idea, specifies the text, is that the guidelines contained in the agreement can be adapted in each sector or company, whose situations are “very unequal” in growth, results or incidence of the interprofessional minimum wage (SMI), all with the objective of maintenance and job creation.

“An advance in the growth of wages where the economic reality of the sectors and/or companies allows it, will contribute to increasing the purchasing power of working people and to continue improving our competitiveness and with it to preserve and create employment”, they defend in the deal.

With regard to 2022, an exercise that has been left out of the agreement, unions and employers indicate that in the sectors and companies where their agreements have not yet been closed, negotiations will be faced “seeking solutions based on the situation and the reality of his own realm.”

At the same time, the social agents advocate promoting a “rationalization” of salary structures in the agreements, integrating the principles of remuneration transparency and equal pay for work of equal value.

To this end, they consider it “desirable” to order and simplify salary supplements taking into account the gender perspective. Likewise, they urge variable remuneration systems to have objective criteria and to establish their weight in the remuneration as a whole. Likewise, they point out that flexible remuneration formulas may be taken into account in collective bargaining.

The recommendations regarding hiring made by the social agents in the V AENC are directly linked to the labor reform that they agreed with the Government.

In this way, after verifying the “good results” of the labor reform to date, they consider that collective agreements should contribute to continue in this direction by promoting job stability and the proper use of contractual modalities, developing the different appeals that the norm does to collective bargaining.

Thus, for example, with regard to the fixed-discontinuous, they advise developing through collective agreements “all the virtuality of this contract”, regulating those aspects that allow a better adaptation to the needs of the workers, the sectors and companies, “including the authorization for temporary employment agencies (ETT) to carry out permanent-discontinuous contracts to cover temporary positions of the user company”.

In order to maintain a contracting system that generates stability, the social agents consider that the indefinite part-time contract can be an adequate tool to meet the flexibility needs of companies and workers.

At the same time, they are committed to the fact that collective bargaining promotes the hiring of young people and people in transition in employment, promoting training contracts and dual training as a way of insertion and requalification.

CCOO, UGT, CEOE and Cepyme maintain in the agreement that partial retirement and the relief contract “must continue to be an adequate instrument for maintaining employment and rejuvenating the workforce.”

To this end, they point out that the collective agreements may recognize access to partial retirement with a relief contract in accordance with the applicable regulations, and will promote, where appropriate, the mechanisms for its implementation in each of sectors and companies, depending on their circumstances and characteristics.

Likewise, they defend, gradual and flexible retirement formulas will be promoted from the agreements to facilitate the transition from active life to work retirement.

Likewise, the parties urge the Government to negotiate in the social dialogue the partial retirement reform, as the Government promised in the last pension reform.

In the agreement, the parties are committed to analyzing the evolution of temporary disability (TI) indicators derived from common contingencies and to establish action measures that improve the health of workers and manage to reduce the frequency and duration of said processes.

Among other measures, they advocate a better use of the resources of the mutuals, “without modifying the current powers of the public health services”, to improve waiting times, health care for workers and reduce waiting lists in the public system.

For this, they urge the administrations with competences in the matter to develop agreements with the mutuals to carry out diagnostic tests and therapeutic and rehabilitative treatments in IT processes due to common contingencies of traumatological origin.

The parties are also committed to developing the teleworking agreement in collective bargaining and promoting employment pension plans; they recognize the right to digital disconnection outside of working hours; defend ERTEs as an alternative mechanism to job destruction, and share the need to promote real equality between men and women, the prevention of sexual violence and the culture of occupational risk prevention, as well as favoring inclusive workplaces for LGTBI people.

The social agents also put “duties” to the Government in this agreement. Thus, they call on you to adapt the current regulations for reviewing prices in public contracts to allow them to be updated in certain situations.

“Working people and companies that participate in public procurement in labor-intensive sectors cannot once again be the pagans of a norm that prevents de facto review of prices and, with it, wages, even in extreme situations such as current,” they maintain.