The regional executives in which Vox has a presence will promote unconstitutionality appeals against a possible amnesty law for Catalan independence leaders, as announced this Wednesday by the party’s vice president Jorge Buxadé.

“Those autonomous communities in which Vox is in government are going to exercise all legal means to stop the drift of this serious attack on the rule of law, including the filing, if necessary, of unconstitutionality appeals against the eventual approval of the amnesty law or any other decision that (Pedro) Sánchez intends to adopt with (Carles) Puigdemont in the coming weeks,” indicated the head of the Vox delegation in Brussels.

Buxadé, accompanied by the vice presidents of Aragón, Castilla y León and Murcia, Alejandro Nolasco, Juan García-Gallardo and José Ángel Antelo; the Extremaduran counselor of Forest Management and Rural World, Ignacio Higuero; and the Secretary of Culture of the Community of Valencia, Paula Añó; She recalled that the autonomous communities are also part of the State and have the duty to defend national unity and the Constitution.

The delegation of senior regional officials from Vox traveled to Brussels on Tuesday to make contact with the European institutions and meet with different associations, mainly from the agricultural and livestock sector, as reported by Santiago Abascal’s party in a statement.

In addition, they participated in an event by the European Conservatives and Reformists group in the European Parliament, which dealt with the amnesty and the “serious risks” for the rule of law in Spain. At the event, Buxadé presented a report from the Disenso Foundation, titled ‘Amnesty for the coup plotters, history of an illegitimate constituent process’, which has been sent to the 705 MEPs “so that they have real and reliable information about what is happening in Spain”.

Buxadé took the opportunity to emphasize that the amnesty would mean “changing the Constitution through the back door”, which is “an attack on harmony and national unity” and “delegitimizes the rule of law.” Furthermore, he recalled that in the Treaties of the European Union (EU) there are mechanisms to prevent this measure of grace and that if the European Commission does nothing, “it will be confirmed in stone that it is an ideological body at the service of federalist interests.”

“It will not be for us that unity and truth remain undefended in the face of the massive propaganda that the Sánchez Government is already using,” Buxadé concluded.