Call for a new Statute for Catalonia that “guarantees” coexistence and against which there is no appeal if it is approved in a referendum


The Cercle d’Economia has assured that it is in favor of the amnesty as a legislative measure that contributes “to turning the page on events that should never have occurred”, while at the same time it has advocated that the beneficiaries should accept the framework of the Constitution.

This was stated in the opinion note ‘A way out for Catalonia, a proposal for Spain’, which he made public this Thursday, in which he regretted that the “current phase of normalization in Catalonia” could be slowed down by the open causes for justice to the Catalan independence leaders and, verbatim, to several hundred public officials and defendants.

However, the business entity has said that these measures should not respond to partisan calculations and has warned of the risks of approving an amnesty “to win an investiture.”

He has therefore asked that it be discussed in the Congress of Deputies and that the amnesty offer “maximum legal security” so that the Constitutional Court does not revoke it.

The beneficiaries of the amnesty, for their part, should accept the “framework established by the Constitution”, since “the reaffirmations of unilaterality are incompatible with any pact aimed at political normalization”, in their opinion.

The Cercle has requested that a new Statute of Autonomy be drawn up for Catalonia that “guarantees a framework of coexistence for the coming decades” and against which, if approved in a referendum, literally, there would be no appeal.

In any case, he has indicated that the new Statute should “fit well” with a reform of the territorial model to, in his words, avoid a new collision between the Catalan norm and the Constitution, as they have assured happened in 2010.

He recalled that “the problem in Catalonia is not only the wrong path” of the independence movement, but, in his words, the breakdown of the statutory consensus that occurred with the ruling of the Constitutional Court (TC) on the Statute of 2010.

The entity has stressed that “recognition of the plural character of Spain is necessary” and that the distribution of powers between the State and autonomies requires more clarity.

Thus, he says that Catalonia should have exclusive powers in language, teaching, culture, civil law, territorial planning or internal organization of the autonomous administration, which “would protect the identity block, the axis of Catalan national sentiment.”

The opinion note has reiterated the need to improve energy and mobility infrastructure in Catalonia, as well as increase investment in R & D I.

He has assured that to materialize these investments, “good management” by the Generalitat and an increase in public-private collaboration is necessary, although, literally, many of the necessary investments are financed by the State.

“It is worth appealing to meet the objective of the third transitional provision of the Statute of 2006”, which states that state investment in Catalonia must be equal to its weight in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).