The Government wants Spain to go from 3% to 20% of public housing to lower the age of emancipation and cushion the rise in rent


The Council of Ministers will approve this Tuesday the mobilization of 50,000 Sareb homes -formerly known as the ‘bad bank’– for affordable rentals for young people and families, as announced last weekend by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez.

After reaching an agreement last week to carry out the Housing Law, the head of the Executive said last Sunday in Valencia that he wants to go “further” and make thousands of properties available to young people and families.

The Executive will offer municipalities and autonomous communities 21,000 Sareb homes and will promote the social rental of 14,000 already inhabited homes in that park. In addition, it will promote the construction of up to 15,000 public houses on land available from the ‘bad bank’.

The Government also wants the low percentage of public housing in Spain compared to its European partners -3% compared to 9% of the EU average- to increase to 20% in 20 years, at the level of the most developed on the continent.

The Management Company for Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring (Sareb) already has 35,000 of the 50,000 homes announced by Pedro Sánchez for affordable rentals for young people and families.

According to Sareb sources, the Government intends to incorporate into the public housing stock around 21,000 homes owned by the so-called ‘bad bank’ that are either in the marketing phase or undergoing renovation works.

Thus, there are around 9,000 homes already completed and available for entry to tenants, while another 11,900 are awaiting adaptation. Sareb explains that these are homes that are available to the autonomous communities and town halls that want to buy them to increase their social housing stock.

On the other hand, the company has 14,000 inhabited homes that can potentially fall within the program announced by Sánchez. In this sense, Sareb explains that it signs a social lease with the people who live in their homes in vulnerable situations, as long as they agree to participate in a socio-labour support program with the aim of overcoming the situation of exclusion.

Of those 14,000 inhabited homes, there are currently 9,000 with signs of vulnerability under study to sign a social rental. Of these, 2,000 social rentals have already been approved.

Thus, the 21,000 available for sale and these 14,000 already inhabited add up to a total of 35,000 homes, which account for 70% of the program announced by Pedro Sánchez.

Likewise, Sareb has 112 plots identified to build 10,000 homes in phases. These lands are distributed by 13 autonomous communities, although Catalonia, the Valencian Community, Castilla y León and Extremadura concentrate most of it.

At this moment, the project is in the study phase with PwC and the idea is to build social and affordable rental housing with a public-private collaboration model. For the time being, Sareb refuses to give more details on the territorial breakdown of the land as it does not have the conclusions of the advice.

Finally, it reports that it has more land on which another 5,000 homes could be built within the project. In this way, the 15,000 affordable and social rental homes would be reached.