The European Central Bank (ECB) has updated the minimum prudential capital and leverage ratio requirements that it will require from CaixaBank for next year once the results of the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (PRES) are known.

As reported this Friday by the entity to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), as of January 1, 2024, it must reach minimum requirements of 8.58% for the level 1 ordinary capital ratio (CET1).

This percentage includes the regulatory minimum of Pillar 1 (4.50%), the requirement of Pillar 2R (0.98%), the capital conservation buffer (2.50%), the OEIS buffer (0.50 %) and the anticyclical buffer (0.10%).

Compared to those established for 2023, the minimum requirements of 8.58% for CET1 set for 2024 represent an increase of 0.06%, reflecting an increase in total P2R from 1.65% to 1.75% after the profile review general risk of the group by the supervisor.

Likewise, based on the minimum requirements of Pillar 1 applicable to the Tier 1 capital ratio (6%) and the total capital ratio (8%), the ECB’s demands on CaixaBank reach 10.41% and the 12.85%, above 10.33% and 12.75% in 2023, respectively.

Finally, as of January 1, 2024, CaixaBank must achieve a minimum requirement of 3.00% of the leverage ratio, which includes 3.00% of the regulatory minimum for Pillar 1 and a P2R-LR requirement of 0 %.

As of September 30 of this year, the entity exceeded the minimum requirements demanded by the ECB for both 2023 and 2024, with a CET1 of 12.26%, a Tier1 of 14.28% and a total capital ratio of 17. eleven%.

For its part, the leverage ratio, for which the supervisor will require 3% from CaixaBank in 2024, the same figure as in 2023, stood at 5.57% as of September 30 of this year.