Work on the analysis of the compensation mechanism measures to have up to 6% additional days


The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has published the initial list of fishing days assigned by vessel and group of bottom trawlers in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Specifically and in accordance with the Management Plan for the Mediterranean, this allocation corresponds to 90% of the set of days that correspond to Spain, as established in the Council regulation that establishes the fishing opportunities applicable to certain fish stocks. in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea by 2024.

In this way, of the remaining 10%, which will be assigned after May 31, 5% corresponds to the reserve for vessels that join the fishery and another 5% to those vessels that make improvements in the selectivity of the gears.

Among the novelties this year, the Spanish fleet could opt for up to 6% additional days, which would vary depending on compliance with a series of measures of the so-called ‘compensation mechanism’, as agreed last December in the Council of Fisheries Ministers.

Agriculture has recalled that thanks to the establishment of the four-week uninterrupted ban for the demersal trawl fishery, Spain currently has 4.5% for this fishery.

Furthermore, he specified that the Department, led by Luis Planas, continues to work on the analysis of the different options included in the compensation mechanism, so the allocation of these additional days would be carried out later.