The Government is carrying out the “necessary studies” on the adequacy of the protection of professionals who have contracted with the mutual insurance company an alternative social protection system to the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), as is the case of many lawyers and attorneys.

The BNG deputy in Congress, Néstor Rego, demanded through a battery of parliamentary questions the necessary actions and modifications to guarantee “decent coverage” to professionals who have contracted an alternative social protection system to RETA.

Specifically, it urged that the State allow the “voluntary and temporary” possibility of transferring the amounts contributed to the Mutual Fund to the RETA, counting them for the purposes of paying pensions and future benefits.

Now, through a parliamentary response that Europa Press has accessed, the Executive confirms that it is studying the situation of the mutualists, but clarifies that once these studies are concluded, the decisions “that are appropriate” will be adopted and always taking into account taking into account “all the concurrent circumstances and, in any case, without affecting the sustainability of the public social protection system.”

On the other hand, the Galician deputy questioned the Executive to find out if the partial retirement conditions of people dedicated to the world of law and attorney general will be improved.

In this regard, the Government says that this partial retirement is a figure “exclusively applicable” to employed workers and, “therefore”, there are no legislative modifications that affect the group of mutual members.