The Ibex 35 has already chained three days in ‘red’, after closing this Thursday with a fall of 0.52%, which has led it to stand at 9,116.1 integers.

In this way, the Madrid selective accumulates a fall of 2% from the 9,305 points with which it closed last Monday, in an environment marked by the negotiation of the debt ceiling in the United States, and the tensions between this country and China.

In this context, the credit rating agency Fitch Ratings has put the ‘AAA’ rating, the highest solvency grade, of the long-term debt of the United States on negative watch.

This Thursday it was also known that the German economy entered a recession in the first quarter of 2023, as confirmed by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), which has revised downward the GDP data for the first three months of the year. , up to -0.3%, instead of the initially estimated stagnation. This means chaining two consecutive quarters of falls in activity, after -0.5% in the fourth quarter of 2022.

For its part, the GDP of the United States registered growth of 0.3% in the first quarter compared to the three previous months, when the expansion of the world’s largest economy had been 0.6%.

In this way, Acerinox has led the increases in the selective (1.67%), ahead of Banco Sabadell (1.49%), BBVA (1.20%), Amadeus (0.85%), CaixaBank (0 83%), Rovi (0.78%) and Meliá (0.60%).

On the other hand, in ‘red’, Repsol (-2.80%), Acciona (-2.79%), Acciona Energías Renovables (-1.93%), Cellnex (-1.88%), Iberdrola (-1.85%) and Merlin (-1.81%).

The rest of the European selectives have also closed with falls: London has lost 0.74% in the session; Milan, 0.44%; Paris, 0.33%; and Frankfurt, 0.31%.

On its side, the barrel of Brent stood at 75.42 dollars, 3.76% less, while the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) reached 71.30 dollars, 4.06% less.

In the debt market, the yield on the 10-year Spanish bond stood at 3.587%, while the risk premium stood at 106 basis points.

In the foreign exchange market, the euro depreciated 0.24% against the dollar, reaching an exchange rate of 1.0723 dollars for each euro.