The judge of the National Court investigating the attack perpetrated by ETA against the Santa Pola (Alicante) barracks in 2002 will take a statement next Friday as the former heads of the terrorist group María Soledad Iparraguirre, alias ‘Anboto’, and Ainhoa ??Múgica, alias ‘Olga’. The attack resulted in the murder of six-year-old Silvia Martínez Santiago and 57-year-old Cecilio Gallego Alaminos.

This is stated in an order, to which Europa Press has had access, in which the head of the Central Court of Instruction Number 6, Manuel García Castellón, agrees to listen by videoconference to former ETA leaders, who are being held in the Penitentiary Center of alava. In this way, the magistrate will listen to ‘Anboto’ from 10:00 a.m. and, from 10:30 a.m., to ‘Olga’.

The decision to question ‘Olga’ now, according to the magistrate’s resolution, is due to the fact that “due to errors of a technical nature, the statement given” previously by the former head of ETA has not been recorded.

It should be remembered that in this case the National Court sentenced the ETA members Andoni Otegi Eraso, ‘Iosu’, and Óscar Celarain Ortiz, ‘Peio’, to 843 years in prison in 2012, considering it proven “without any kind of doubt” that they were the material authors of the attack against the house-barracks in Santa Pola (Alicante), which the gang perpetrated on August 4, 2002. Now, the magistrate is investigating who the masterminds of said attack were.

Last December, the magistrate received a police report from the General Information Commissioner of the National Police in which he highlighted the “total control” exercised by the top leadership of the terrorist organization when the attack took place that resulted in the murder of Silvia Martínez Santiago, six years old, and Cecilio Gallego Alaminos, 57 years old.

In their report, the investigators review the references in the Police regarding the six ETA leaders who have been under investigation since last July in this procedure: ‘Juanvi’; ‘Olga’; ‘Navarrese’; Mikel Albisu, aka ‘Mikel Antza’; Ramón Sagarzazu, alias ‘Ramontxo’, and ‘Anboto’.

Already last October, the Dignity and Justice Association – which exercises popular prosecution in the case – sent the judge a 2014 police report which also highlighted the “total control” that the leadership of the terrorist organization had over “to the last of the assassin pawns” in charge of committing the attacks.

At the end of November, the Civil Guard sent the judge a report containing a detailed analysis of ETA’s terrorist activity between 1994 and 2004: it had approximately 1,000 militants and carried out 480 terrorist actions with a total of 101 fatalities. .