A cork to waterproof facades and roofs that did not have the mandatory guarantee in any work


Lieutenant General Pedro Vázquez Jarava, the main defendant in the ‘Barracks case’, where alleged irregularities in the contracting of reform works for 13 Civil Guard commands are being investigated, introduced the builder who was in charge of carrying them out, Ángel Ramón Tejera de León , as a businessman who had a “unique and innovative” product to waterproof facades and roofs that it was necessary to test, according to the summary of the case, to which Europa Press has had access.

Vázquez Jarava, who was deputy general director of support for the Armed Institute, and Tejera de León, alias ‘Mon’, a businessman who appears in the summary of the ‘Mediator case’, are two of the four defendants in the case directed by the Investigating Court Number 3 of Madrid, together with Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Alonso Rodríguez, who was head of the Civil Guard Command in Ávila between 2015 and 2017, and the businessman Salvador Gutiérrez.

In a report from the Internal Affairs Unit of the Civil Guard, dated February 4, 2022, it is indicated that, from the statements as witnesses of the different commanders (at least those of A Coruña, Albacete, Ávila and Valladolid) , “the interest” of Vázquez Jarava “appears to carry out tests or trials with said technique or innovative product in different corps quarters during 2016 and 2017, to verify its possibilities and results.”

Specifically, the Benemérita reflects the witness statement of the head of the A Coruña Command, according to which he received a call saying that Vázquez Jarava “had decided that he would try a new product that existed on the market, with a cork component that improved the insulation of facades and roofs, informing him that they had selected different headquarters with different weather conditions to apply the product and carry out tests”.

The researchers also recount an episode in which Vázquez Jarava “commented to the colonel in charge of the Alicante Command that there were some companies (those of ‘Mon’) that had a unique and innovative product to combat humidity”.

However, the Civil Guard points out that “this product, registered under the name of ‘projected cork’ by its manufacturer (Decoproyect), began to be marketed in mid-2011″, finding references to its application in barracks since the beginning of 2014, ” more specifically in barracks belonging to the Huelva Command”, by ‘Mon’ himself.

The Armed Institute explains that Angrasurcor, one of the Tejera de León companies, registered as an approved applicator of ‘projected cork’, which allows it to be responsible for “a well-executed workforce”, while Decoproyect guarantees “the good condition of the supplied material”.

“To formalize the guarantee, a review of the work by a specialized Decoproyect technician must be requested for the subsequent issuance of said guarantee”, but “there are no letters of guarantee on the persons and / or companies mentioned”, highlights the Civil Guard.

Thus, it states that “none of the waterproofing works on facades and roofs by applying sprayed cork carried out in the Civil Guard barracks by Tejera de León has the 10-year guarantee offered by the manufacturer.”

The aforementioned statement reflects that most of the works consisted of “waterproofing of facades and roofs” and painting, but there is also some demolition work on the Garachico barracks, in Tenerife.

According to the Civil Guard, the file was processed through the emergency procedure for a price of 168,523.93 euros, obtaining the Angrasurcor award, despite the fact that its corporate purpose is “to carry out renovation and waterproofing works, apparently not related to of demolitions and demolitions”, “nor does it have material and personal elements to carry them out”.

For this reason, the investigators report, the demolition was carried out by the Nino Group, which issued invoices to the main contractor, the company of ‘Mon’, “for the joint price of 62,000 euros, taxes included, even though the amount of the contract awarded to Angrasurcor totals 168,523.93 euros”. That is, he subcontracted for “a considerably lower price.”

In general, the researchers affirm that during Vázquez Jarava’s time as head of the General Support Subdirectorate –between October 2, 2015 and January 15, 2018–, there was “an exponential and apparently unusual increase.” in the adjudication of works” to ‘Mon’, “both in invoiced amounts and in affected territorial units”.

Internal Affairs records that Lieutenant Colonel Antonio García Lloret, formerly the commander responsible for the Personnel and Support Headquarters of the Alicante Command, declared before the Civil Guard that in 2016 “they had no credit problems” because 500,000 euros were released to them , “when in other years the current used to be around 300,000 euros”.

The Armed Institute details that extraordinary credit decentralizations are normally requested from the Economic Management Unit of the Civil Guard Zone of the corresponding autonomous community, although in this case “it is possible that they were requested directly from Madrid”.

For Internal Affairs it is clear that in all the indicated territorial units the decision to contract with Tejera de León “was determined” by Vázquez Jarava, who “for these purposes, directly or through said General Support Subdirectorate established prior contacts with the heads of zone”.

However, the Civil Guard emphasizes that “a good part of the budget items corresponds to works not executed, executed only partially, deficiently or defectively or oversized in relation to those actually carried out, despite having been invoiced and collected ” .

In exchange for these awards, the Civil Guard indicates that ‘Mon’ would have paid Vázquez Jarava with trips, hotels and soccer games. In a report dated April 26, 2021, Internal Affairs analyzes the trips paid for by ‘Mon’ from which the lieutenant general would have allegedly benefited to go to the Champions League finals in Milan (Italy) in May 2016 and in Cardiff (UK) in June 2017.

In the case of the Cardiff final, he specified that Vázquez Jarava traveled with his nephew and an unidentified third person mentioning an amount of 1,410.66 euros. As for the Champions League final in Milan, two return plane tickets from Madrid “in favor” of ‘Mon and the son of Vázquez Jarava are collected, with expenses of 1,950 euros.

Internal Affairs also includes accommodation at the Barrosa Palace Hotel (Cádiz) in September 2016 from which Vázquez Jarava and several members of his family benefited, as well as ‘Mon’ himself. It also alludes to a stay, two months later, of the lieutenant general, the businessman and their respective wives at the Hotel Trip Cádiz La Caleta.

It also analyzes the “end of the year” stay in Lanzarote, specifically from December 27, 2016 to January 3, 2017. And an invoice from the Viajes Timanfaya agency for 1,328 euros “issued in the name of the company Angrasurcor” that corresponds to six round-trip plane tickets from Madrid for Vázquez Jarava, his wife, mother-in-law, daughter, son-in-law and a granddaughter.