The tests will have a competitive design and will require “creativity, critical thinking, reflection and maturity” from the students.


The new Baccalaureate Evaluation for University Access (EBAU), which will begin to be applied from the next academic year, will include multiple choice questions, spelling mistakes will lower the grade in the exams by 10% and students will be able to choose between different questions, although they will require that they have studied the entire syllabus.

This is reflected in the draft of the draft royal decree of the new EBAU, to which Europa Press has had access, prepared by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

The document establishes that the exercises will be structured into different sections which, in turn, may contain one or more questions or tasks. These may require closed, semi-constructed or open responses, provided that in each of the exercises the score assigned to the total number of open and semi-constructed response questions or tasks reaches at least 70 percent.

In each subject, a single exercise model will be delivered. However, in some sections the possibility of choosing between several questions or tasks may be included, as long as this choice does not imply a reduction in the number of specific competencies being evaluated.

In those exercises in which the proposed questions or tasks require the production of texts by the students, the assessment corresponding to the coherence, cohesion, grammatical, lexical and orthographic correctness of the texts produced, as well as their presentation, cannot be be less than 10 percent of the grade corresponding to the question or task.

However, the proposal of the new EBAU specifies that the application of these parameters that lower the grade by 10 percent due to spelling and grammatical errors “may be made more flexible in the case of students with a specific need for educational support.”

The university entrance test will consist of four or, in the case of autonomous communities with a co-official language, five exercises that will cover the following subjects: Spanish Language and Literature II and, if applicable, Co-official Language and Literature II; History or Philosophy, at the students’ choice; Foreign Language II; and the specific mandatory subject.

The exercises of the new test will have a competency design that “will allow checking the degree of achievement of the specific competencies of the subjects”; and will require from students “creativity and the capacity for critical thinking, reflection and maturity” in the written resolution of a series of questions or tasks appropriate to the specific competencies evaluated.

The questions or tasks will be contextualized in artistic, scientific, humanistic and technological environments and, preferably, in environments close to the students’ lives.

As in the previous EBAU model, each of the exercises will last 90 minutes and a rest will be established between consecutive tests of at least 30 minutes. The period used to extend the time for taking tests for students with specific needs for educational support to whom such a measure has been prescribed will not be counted as a rest period.

“Both the curricular elements subject to evaluation, as well as the number and type of questions or tasks, will be adapted to the duration of the exercise. To this end, it will be taken into account that students will need to dedicate significant time to both reading and analysis. of the possible documentation provided, as well as the design of the strategy for resolving the questions or tasks posed,” the document states.

In the event that the questions or tasks require it, to carry out the exercises of the different subjects, students may use documents or auxiliary tools, such as dictionaries, calculators, forms or tables.

In any case, the standard clarifies that the use of this material will be conditioned to the characteristics of each subject and the applicable evaluation criteria. To this end, the organizing committees of the test will establish the materials that the students may use and, where appropriate, the material that may under no circumstances be used.